Get along but can't love

Bailee 2022-04-19 09:02:12

Jesomina is the wife Zampano bought. Zampano is a wandering entertainer. Jesomina also served as his acting partner. They started wandering non-stop on the road. And behind Jesomina's smile, a non-stop injury started.

Jesomina has the purest heart and a child-like white soul. There was always a sense of joy and a smile on his face. Zampano gave her a clown hat and taught her to play the drums while she was performing. She adapted to the role of the clown in an instant. It was a character whose inner emotions were severely disconnected from outer expressions, a character suited to her destiny. So Jesomina always faces Zampano's nonsense with a pointless, empty smile. In the middle of the night, he took the prostitutes in the tavern; on the side of the road, he walked into the widow's house. Zampano is such a scoundrel who rolls around in the world. And Jesomina, just tenderly stayed by the caravan, waiting for him to wake up.

If they can't be equal, they will lose each other's possessions. That man has a thick chest that can break the chain, but that chest doesn't belong to her, he won't protect her, only endless hurt and abandonment. Jessomina went away. Watching a grand circus show and being drunk turns her into a miserable soul. Without Zampano, she was nothing. Zampano couldn't protect her, but at least he could contain her. In that era of selling sellers for money, she was just "it", not "she".

Good thing there's Mato. He is a happy busker. He taught Jesomina a sad tune. As soon as she learns, she always remembers. When Zampano was caught in jail, Ma entrusted her with comfort, persistence, and conviction. She waited for Zampano to be released outside the prison in peace again. He firmly rejected the circus masters and nuns' retention, and set foot on the road again and again.

Eventually, on the road, Jesomina's faith was shattered. She looked in amazement at the one who killed the one who made her understand her faith, the one with whom she lived day and night. He never changed his rudeness and recklessness. She went crazy.

She was mad and still refused to leave him. She murmured, "No one will take me in except you." This painful and fragile heart was frozen in the sight of Zampano's quiet departure. So, many years later, when he heard the news of Jesomina's death, he could no longer hide the memory in his heart, and wept bitterly in the darkest part of his heart.

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Extended Reading

La Strada quotes

  • Zampanò: [reciting his act by rote before a crowd] Here we have a piece of chain that is a quarter of an inch thick. It is made of crude iron, stronger than steel. With the simple expansion of my pectoral muscles, or chest, that is, I'll break the hook.

    [collecting money from the crowd]

    Zampanò: Thank you, thank you. Now, to do this feat, I must fill myself up like a tire. If a blood vessel should break, I would spit blood. For instance, in Milan a man weighing 240 pounds lost his eyesight doing this trick. That is because the optical nerves take a beating, and once you lose your eyes, you are finished. If there's any delicate person in the audience, I would advise him to look away 'cause there could be blood.

    [with seemingly great effort, he breaks the chain]

  • Gelsomina's Mother: She's not like Rosa. But she's a good girl, poor thing. She'll do what she's told. She just came out a little strange. But, if she eats every day, maybe she'll get better.