The Accompaniment of Divinity and Destruction——A Life of 1900 Corrupted by Music

Dillon 2022-04-23 07:02:40

1900 is the son of the god of music in the heart of director Tonadore. He is so detached from the world that he cannot be provoked by any mundane. Only the boundless sea can carry his purity.

Therefore, it is impossible for 1900 to choose to go ashore. The birth of his legend must be verified by a heroic curtain call, otherwise his detachment, purity, and genius will collapse in an instant. His refusal to go ashore and his renunciation of the world are proofs of his duality as an idealist with a genius status. He carries both an isolated divinity and an undeniable sense of destruction. Sexual companionship forged his purity.

The purer he is, the more powerful he is; the purer he is, the braver he is, brave enough to reject the whole world outside of him in order to keep this innate gift (the curse). You can think of it as cowardice and cowardice, but it is more proud and brave. Only the most proud people don't need to imprint the world to prove their existence. Only the bravest people can choose to smash their bones for a perfect exit.

More beautiful than this piece of 1900 is his next piece, more beautiful than eternal beauty is ephemeral beauty, eternal is often destroyed in an instant, and those ephemeral beauties are often more eternal.

1900 was eroded by the romance of music. This erosion was so deep into his bones that he set himself against the world. Such a lonely and sad life seemed to usher in thousands of times of stopping, watching and even yearning for us. In our fantasy, we became That 1900, this is the erosion of us by the romance of the movie, but isn't that bad?

The movie is an illusion, 1900 is a fantasy, he never existed in fact, but the romance is real, it is the unrealistic fantasy of romance, the desire to be eroded by romance that has brought mankind to this day and will seduce us Go all the way.

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The Legend of 1900 quotes

  • Max: You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.

  • Max: Sometimes that is the way you have to do it: you go right back to the beginning.