Hope there is a piano in heaven

Paris 2022-04-22 07:01:34

"I hope there is a piano in heaven" This is the last sentence of 1900. Later, he disappeared with the cruise ship into this world. 1900 is a legendary figure, a piano genius, unrivaled. He never got off the ship and played the piano all his life for the passengers on the ship. He began to play for the rich, then for the poor, and then for the wounded. He believed that because of the company of his music, he could make those wounded in life. Happier in the last ride The theme of the pianist is faith, thinking that in 1900, for the sake of music, he was reluctant to get off the ship, and for the sake of his inner faith, he even wanted to be buried with the ship. Looking back at it later, I felt lonely. It was the kind of loneliness that I don’t know why. In 1900, a musical genius who was not familiar with the world, but his talent was not buried. He only played on the boat, but his fame spread to the land. People came here because of his name. In the evening, the hall of the waiting warehouse was full of singing and dancing, and it was very lively. But 1900's back and his eyes make people feel an inexplicable sense of loneliness. Only the piano, only when the piano is accompanied, can one see satisfaction from his face. For 1900, the ship was the whole world. He didn't have land. He was even afraid of land. For him, land was an endless key, a piano he couldn't handle. "It's not what I can see, but what I can't see that stops my steps." For 1900, the boat is limited, the piano is limited, and the ability to control can give him a sense of security. I really like 1900 so much, and sometimes I even think that he is not a fictional character, but a real pianist. And then no matter who asked who my favorite pianist was, the only answer was the one who didn't exist, sea pianist Danny Bouderman TD Lemon 1900

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The Legend of 1900 quotes

  • Max: You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.

  • Max: Sometimes that is the way you have to do it: you go right back to the beginning.