Xiaomin is not a robot---{Another angle shows the attitude of some people to the pianist at sea}

Bartholome 2022-04-22 07:01:34

Are you an emotional person? Or even though you are rational, there are still perceptual cells in your body. As long as that's the case, then you'll love The Pianist at Sea.
Of course, if you explain what sensibility is, many people may not understand it, including those who are sensitive to touch.
In fact, it is quite simple. When you realize that there are various ways of life in our lives, you will also be moved by various wonderful ways of living, then you are an emotional person. You will capture or feel some heart-warming words in the poem. Then you are a sentimental person. In the process of watching the so-called art film, you will feel the intention of each director in advance, and have resonance or clear interpretation. Then you are an emotional person. You will feel the temperament in different music that you can only comprehend but cannot express. You will understand the meaning of the seemingly simple but mysterious lyrics. Then you are a perceptive person. Although you do not understand art, But if you can get rid of painting skills and understand the inner world that the painter wants to express, then you are a perceptive person.

If this is the case, it is not difficult to understand the pianist at sea. And will appreciate the charisma of 1900, and be impressed and admired by his insisting on the true attitude. This film advocates a kind of respect for human nature. In particular, it also gives a warning to most people in China who only know how to make money by working. People have a life in addition to supporting themselves, and life is not just about eating and drinking. Human beings do not necessarily have to participate in social construction in order to live, and if they do not participate, they are maggots. People don't have to be intrigued to live, they must work hard to earn money, and to gain status and rights is to gain respect from others. Why don't people who don't do this get respect.
If someone lives without affecting our life, he lives only as a person to feel life and experience the beauty of nature.
So what qualifies most of the crazy working people to judge the organization for killing what he did?

Therefore, when this movie comes out, there will be obvious two emotions. The emotional people like it, and the ignorant public rejects insults.

Of course, we should also have a certain understanding and tolerance of the generation of the public, but now we need to let the public recognize a fact. The way of life they accept now is not the so-called life that is born, but the passive obedience of the public under the long-term influence of the government of some countries under the coercion and brainwashing, because that country only knows how to enslave and deceive the public to satisfy the lesser people. Some people are crazy about materialism. In the end, the public, who has been deceived for a long time, lives like a robot loaded with integrated circuits. And then they will be very violent and savage to define right and wrong. And speak in a human-like tone.

For example: They would consider 1900 not walking down the ladder to be a cowardly act. For example, they believed that the death of 1900 was a manifestation of artificial hypocrisy. and many more. Actually I would love to tell them. Not all people live like you, live like robots.
We little people are not robots.

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Extended Reading

The Legend of 1900 quotes

  • Max: You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.

  • Max: Sometimes that is the way you have to do it: you go right back to the beginning.