Some of my ideas, welcome to Paizhuan~

Kylie 2022-04-20 09:01:53

Some people say that 1900 is very personal and has a strong inner world. I can't deny this, it's a nail in the coffin.
However, if 1900 really has a strong ego, then for 1900, the sea is just a background for the ego. Even if he loses the sea, he has no reason to lose himself!

It is emphasized more than once in the film that 1900 does not exist in this world. People who don't look at it carefully will think that this is saying that he has never gotten off the boat. Those with some understanding of the film may feel that it is implying that 1900's had a world of its own that was almost incompatible with ours. And I think, there is a meaning here: as a person, 1900 is not a complete existence.
My understanding is that 1900 is like a drop of seawater in the sea. He was born and grew up here and has become a part of the sea.
For others, it's a characteristic of 1900, the distinctive personality given to him by the circumstances of his origins, which fascinates him.
However, if we take 1900 as a person, he has no characteristics. He is just such a person who accepts everything his environment gives him without reservation.
Many people are different from him, because the environment of many people is full of suffering and they cannot bear it. Therefore, they must stand up, choose to resist, and change the environment.
Compared to them, 1900 was lucky, because the sea, the Virginia, the good captain... these environments allowed him to thrive without feeling the slightest misery. But it is precisely because he is in such an environment, a perfect environment, an environment that does not need ego, that he loses himself. When the environment changes, when the environment is no longer so beautiful, he has lost the ability to resist, the ability to face other environments. The old environment that made him different is gone, and he doesn't have the courage to accept the new environment, so he can only choose to destroy the environment that has passed away.
I think a person with a strong inner world should be a person who has the courage to face everything; a person with a strong inner world, no matter how much suffering he has suffered in the outer world, he can always find peace in himself and continue to live. enthusiasm. I don't rule out that some suffering is unbearable... But here, I can't see such deep suffering.

"Paradise Cinema", "The Pianist at Sea" and "Life is Beautiful in Sicily" are called the return trilogy. So, under the coat of a sea, this is a story about "home", the sea was the home of 1900.
Tonatore is a director who is very good at telling stories, but after he finished telling the story, he left gracefully, leaving me dazed and at a loss. He used the sea as the background to tell the story of an ordinary family lover, which made countless people intoxicated... But, compared to 1900, I appreciate Scarlett's strength more.
Perhaps, there is a reason why I can not fully identify with the film: my understanding of home. For me, home is not a fixed place, not an apartment, a villa, not a piece of green hills, a piece of green water. Not the vast ocean. Home is in our hearts. There is love and loneliness in this family. And being alone is not scary.
I have seen this passage:
perhaps loneliness is the most meaningful gift of love, and the person who receives this gift has since learned to love himself, and he has learned to understand other lonely souls and the deep love hidden in them. , thus establishing a precious spiritual world for himself.
Perhaps, in 1900, such a spiritual world was not really established...because his world is too ego, and ego is a relative concept. Only with the external world can ego have real meaning. Therefore, from this point of view, 1900 has no ego. He is only a part of the sea, he is one with the sea through the Virginia, and when this connecting bridge is not there, he can only be destroyed.

This is a tragedy, and there is a kind of sadness that touches my heart the most, and that is the helplessness about life.
1900, perhaps, many people in the world today, is just that kind of 1900, but because there are so many 1900s, it is not so different.
Compared with 1900, we may be sad, because 1900 is almost completely free to grow in such a natural and beautiful environment as the sea. And we are in society. Morality. Education grew up in such an artificially artificial background.
It is undeniable that today's world is much happier than it was 50 years ago, and it may be so blissful that many people are "reluctant". To integrate into the torrent of society, through accepting the education and morality formulated by the society, study hard, you should find an ideal job and live a happy life.
It's a "perfect" balance, but it's fragile because it's not perfect.
I still remember that once, I wrote on my blog that I wanted to chase my dreams desperately. Many classmates and friends encouraged me, but at the same time, they said that they no longer had the courage to pursue their dreams.
At least we have dreamed, and there is even more terrible, that is, many people, perhaps, do not even have a real dream, just follow a road that has been repaired and blindly move forward in pursuit of the so-called happiness.
We may be luckier than 1900 because, even if we die, our Virginia will not necessarily sink. We can play our own music, or the music of society, until we die of old age.
However, will our "Virginia" really never sink?
The most stable and longest period in Western history was the Middle Ages, which we moderns call the "Dark Ages". In the eyes of people 1,000 years later, will we today become another Middle Ages?
There are two paths in front of us. Either admit that human society has developed in such a leap, and accept this still as stagnant age, and let future generations bear the bloody storm of change. Or, we can think about whether there is a more proactive way to change. The attitude of 1900 is obviously closer to the former, and it is also the attitude of many people now.

To sum up, I still like this movie a lot...

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The Legend of 1900 quotes

  • Max: You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.

  • Max: Sometimes that is the way you have to do it: you go right back to the beginning.