Aesthetically ok to fish in troubled waters, but not satisfying my intellectual or intellectual pleasure, text lacks depth, linear flat narrative, sorry I can't agree

Brendon 2022-04-20 09:01:53

Looking at the ratings of friends, almost all of them are five stars. If you score this score, you may be removed, and the second brush. Of course, first of all, this is a very easy-to-understand and simple text, secondly, the values ​​conveyed are also very simple, and finally, there are also some touches of aesthetics or music. To sum up, in terms of the complexity or depth of the textual structure, it cannot be compared with some movies. It is an aesthetic product of a popular film.

Supported by the acting skills of the actors. I guess everyone's unanimous praise for the film is mainly based on the praise of idealism, or the secular or the film conveys the devastated materialistic society of the industrial society? resistance and reflection. Just my own opinion, I think the movie has a tendency to shape the perspective of God, which is close to religious movies. In particular, Max was so miserable in reality that he was moved to tears by 1900, but he did not choose the path of 1900 (this is very important). He did not wait for death in the boat with 1900, but returned to the reality of poverty and poverty. The meaning of existentialism has been Appeared, and the figure of Sisyphus was flowing. So in my opinion, 1900 is nothing but a natural product on a desert island or utopia, like a primitive barbarian who was not invaded by modern civilization in Rousseau's mouth, of course he knew music. (And about his "moving" lines in the movie, I think there is a logical problem) and Max as the narrator is the real protagonist, seemingly a coward on the edge, but in fact his tears are all for himself , I prefer him to be the protagonist of the movie. We are all Max, all yearning for 1900. But we still go back to Max, and we are not ashamed of it. We also talked to our friends that day that we cannot oppose the past as an "aftermath", and we cannot deny the help brought to us and its historical inevitability because of the pollution of the Industrial Revolution. , the philosophers who enjoy modern civilization say that primitive man is the best, perhaps it is a kind of immorality and hypocrisy:

After all, the power of oppression now may be the power to liberate the past. Honey and arsenic cannot be said simply.

Reflection is fine, but over-reflection can be counterproductive.

I actually have more interesting associations. That is, if Max didn't survive, was moved by 1900's persuasion, and also stayed on board waiting to die, then the story: We don't know. cannot be circulated. Therefore, Max's identity is particularly like a writer or poet or all literary workers, and their mission of existence lies in this. We can cry for despair, but we must live, because history is "sing and weeping" and we need to sing and make future generations cry.

Anyway, the same is true for the first time I watched it. At that time, I was immersed in some niche films, mainly human ethics films, abnormal writing, and some of Huppert's films. So when I saw "a clear stream" liked by this "literary youth", I really felt that it was too shallow and too simple.

Aesthetically, maybe, but not intellectually or intellectually. From an existentialist standpoint, the degree is so shallow that the entire text ends without beginning. From the point of view of possibility, it is almost a flat, one-line movie.

I think the movie is overrated.

Many people like it because they feel: true.

On the contrary, the reason I don't like it is: it's not real, it's not natural.

Of course, the professional influence, when I watch it with my classmates, I often make plays. When I see black people, I think of postcolonial and racial identity, which can be interpreted from patriarchalism. There are also some narrative techniques, mainly the value behind the film, the American dream. And so on, the text is too shallow for the joy of analysis.

I don't like cultural studies, so the above is just a conditioned reflex based on the current theoretical learning. As Mr. Tang said, after learning the theory, you can no longer watch movies like a normal person, and you can always see its structure, techniques and values.

That's it, family words.

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The Legend of 1900 quotes

  • Max: You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.

  • Max: Sometimes that is the way you have to do it: you go right back to the beginning.