my Virginian

Valentina 2022-04-19 09:02:15

·All that city. You just couldn't see the end to it…It wasn't what I saw that stopped me, Max. It was what I didn't see. You understand that? What I didn't see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world... ·Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by . Christ! Did, did you see the streets? Just the streets… There were thousands of them! And how do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die...·I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite. I learned to live that way. Land? Land is a ship too big for me. It's a woman too beautiful; it's a voyage too long, a perfume too strong. It's a music I don't know how to make...

"1900", let's call it that. I first saw this film in 2009, when I was in college. After watching the whole movie, I was very tired. I don't understand how high this movie is.

When I first entered college, I hadn't seen society or wandered through a maze of choices. Never hesitate, never doubt, never choose. When I was in middle school and high school, I wore school uniforms and ate lunch boxes. My friends were only selected from the circle of my classmates and my parents, and I only bought things in the commodity store around me. There was no money and only a few choices. Believe whatever you teach, never out of the loop. In life, we can see boundaries; in my world, there are boundaries and boundaries. But these boundaries are set by others, given by society. I did not form my own boundaries.

The first time I saw this film, I couldn't understand 1900's feelings.

Later, I began to pay attention to others, their choices and lives, the existence and order of society. Boundaries have become blurred, and there are even many roads with clear destinations and many doors for unknown journeys. There are countless brands to buy goods; there are various ways to match clothes; cooking in the cafeteria also requires thinking... I need to choose, or I need to exclude choices. I started to explore the possibilities of options and institutions, I would think, can I stay in the classroom after the building is cleared, can I roam the playground without clothes, can I not go to class, can I evade the ticket, can I can do this and that...

These thoughts and attempts on possibilities made me realize that people are free and have infinite possibilities. This kind of thinking and trying lasted for more than two years before I gradually heard my inner voice. It said that it was a little frightened. It drifted on the sea where the shore could not be seen. Wherever it drifted, there was an endless sky and ocean. Where does the world end? Where does knowledge end? Is there an end to material pleasures? I've enjoyed expensive goods, but there's always something better waiting for me; I've seen unparalleled views, but that's just a pore in the world. I've seen paintings by the greatest painters, tasted the best meals, and befriended royalty...but what does this have to do with me, do they make me feel good about my life? Will it give me more motivation? Where is my shore?

I have chosen a path, a career that I am willing to give my life to. Would I still be motivated if I knew that there are countless predecessors on this road who have made great contributions, and I can't surpass any of them in my life? It might be over before it even started. This text may be meaningless, and there is no shortage of profound texts on the Internet, why should I write it? Because if you don't write it, the future text will have no chance to come out.

How does one walk on a road with no end in sight? I don't want to explore the unknown or be different anymore, I want to take a road that has direction, borders, and sees the end. I made choices and ruled out most of them. I set boundaries for myself, and make myself at peace. For sensitive and impressionable people, one of the peaceful ways is to block others. I do it at my own rhythm and ideas, without rushing for quick success. It's also important to make sure that my feelings belong to me, not what others and society tell me. I've been like this for years.

I watched "1900" some time ago, and I empathized with his words. There are so many choices in this world, so many people give up their choices. Better choices always appear, how can people not get lost? How should I judge choices outside my field of expertise?

Over the years, I have gradually picked up principles, or boundaries, and once picked up, I cannot easily put them down. In terms of food and products, I have been vegan for nearly 10 years, and it is not surprising that it will be with me for the rest of my life; I almost choose restaurants with religious beliefs for eating out. In terms of item selection, I like green, and I like animal images. There are not many items that I can like, I buy less, and I use them for many years. After using things for a long time, I have feelings, and I really don’t like other things. . Socially, I cut out almost all social and small talk, and only made friends with people who were equally well-defined, those who didn’t change. In terms of career, elephants and writing will be the direction of my long-term efforts...

I don't like the concept of minimalism, there is no end to the "extreme". I would say choose Jane. I define my boundaries, Jane's, and choose within them. Like the Virginian in 1900.

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The Legend of 1900 quotes

  • Max: You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.

  • Max: Sometimes that is the way you have to do it: you go right back to the beginning.