Accepting oneself calmly is the homework of a woman's life.

Berenice 2022-04-20 09:01:58

The casting of this film is so good! Christina Ricci's strange girly face wears the pink and tender pig nose evenly and looks better than the original face. The occurrence of love is logical, and even the mother's arrogant and petite regret about the new face at the end is understandable.

Originally, I came to watch Yimei, but I found this film of women's acceptance of self-acceptance and daily ethics buried under the skin of the fantasy film. "Only the kiss of true love from the right noble man can unlock the pig nose of the noble girl". Born with a pig nose, the intelligent noble girl has been imprisoned for 25 years, and she has received numerous psychological blows. Old wine in old bottles, oh no, as long as one day in a patriarchal society, old wine in old bottles. Under the influence of the traditional aesthetics represented by the mother's family, women's self-imposed restrictions on appearance and face, and unthinking self-limitation - only through the approval of marriageable men (the teacher said that marriage proposal is the greatest respect men have for women) - will be universally accepted. Recognition and acceptance. Fortunately, it is a work from 2006, and I will no longer look forward to the prince's salvation like an old girl's fairy tale. It goes through two levels successively: resistance to parents and family and acceptance and recognition of self, explaining what freedom is and how to get freedom. In 2022, women have read so many books, or spread so many quotations on various social media, and you can understand how passive it will be to leave the judgment in the hands of others because of their appearance. My little niece's words can also be summed up, "To be rotten means to be free."

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    Mr. Vanderman: That's exactly what I'm trying to forget!

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    Jessica Wilhern: Brown hair. Brown eyes.


    Jessica Wilhern: A unique... ly pleasant personality.

    Franklin Wilhern: Think pig.

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