School bullies never realize they have a problem ✓✓

Thora 2022-10-26 04:04:46

Two stars for the quality of the picture, Xiba, I'm so pissed I'm watching this today because I read the good reviews of station B. It's so good to watch. The 20-minute-long campus bullying in front of me made me vomit. That black hair is so disgusting. After school bullying, Yongyun will not be forgiven. I have been bullied since junior high school. I have been isolated because I am fat, not beautiful, and unfit for society. Then they pick these children and bully them and want me to say I will forgive them now. Impossible I can only think that I was too weak in retrospect If I would definitely give them two slaps now ✓✓✓ Bullies will never feel that they have a problem, the teacher will not help In the middle of insulting them, pushing me, hitting me, scolding me, I squatted on the ground and cried and looked up to see their faces, it felt so ugly my dear class teacher passed by us and didn't say a word, it's really awesome I hate her for hating them all the time Bullying me to the fourth day of junior high I changed classrooms and buildings. They will still go out of their way to bully me?? They won't think they're wrong, they won't never, this movie is so irritating, it's really disgusting, the ending is all The staff is whitewashed and disgusting to death

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A Silent Voice: The Movie quotes

  • Miyoko Sahara: I couldn't change. I couldn't protect you again. I was the same coward.

    Shoko Nishimiya: You can change from now on.