Tragedy is Tragedy

Abby 2022-04-21 09:02:48

The suspense of the film is very strong, but in the end, after untold hardships to rescue the prostitute, the prostitute was still killed, and it looked very uncomfortable. Although the murderer was finally brought to justice, the final ending of the film is undoubtedly a tragedy, and evil triumphs over justice. In fact, if you add some fatalistic foreshadowing or the ending is completely set as a tragedy, for example, in the end, the little girl burst into tears when she saw her mother's death in a different place. It seems that the theme is more unified, the emotions are more complete, and tragedy is tragedy after all.
In addition, Jin Yunshi's acting skills are very good, and it is very suitable for such characters.
It mainly tells the story of a pimp who encounters a perverted murderer in the process of introducing prostitution. In order to rescue the prostitute, the pimp chops the thorns and prepares to kill the murderer. However, the prostitute was still brutally murdered by the murderer. When the pimp got revenge at the last moment, the police stopped the murderer and brought him to justice. In the end, the pimp was caring for the daughter left by the prostitute in the hospital, heralding the arrival of hope.…

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