Heroes are not allowed to see their white heads

Al 2022-04-21 09:02:50

Based on the novel, the film is a story about Sherlock Holmes himself, about his later years.

The film is based on a case that Sherlock Holmes has never been able to let go of as the main line. It shuttles between memory and reality. The excellent use of makeup, photography, and editing dilutes the slow and melancholy tone of the film.

Since ancient times, beautiful people are like famous generals, and they are not allowed to see white heads in the world. The protagonists in the novels, the protagonists in the comics, and the legendary heroes often do not appear in the state of old age. After all, this also affects the "image" too much. However, the laws of nature cannot be changed, and readers often Can you imagine that the old age of your idol is still the same?

The acting skills of "Gandalf" in the film are impeccable, from the personable and sharp-thinking Sherlock Holmes to the empathetic old man in his twilight years. There is still a big difference between being 76 years old and playing 93 years old.

Based on the impression I have left after reading the Sherlock Holmes series of novels a few years ago, the film basically restores the character of Sherlock Holmes. He is intelligent, insightful, polite but difficult to get close to. Solving cases is actually just his interest in challenging "hard problems". And when Watson is gone and the novel ends, what kind of story will a Sherlock Holmes of this character have?

That's what this movie wants to tell us.

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Extended Reading

Mr. Holmes quotes

  • Roger: You ever been bitten by a bee?

    Sherlock Holmes: Stung! Bees don't have teeth! Yes, I have.

    Roger: But not often, though.

    Sherlock Holmes: 7,816 times. I keep a record.

    [Mrs. Munro appears while Roger is smoking the hive]

    Sherlock Holmes: Well, not entirely dreadful.

    Mrs. Munro: You ever been bit?

    Sherlock Holmes: No. I have never been bit.

  • Sherlock Holmes: There seems to be an outbreak of mortality.