More than just wonderful fanfiction

Davonte 2022-04-19 09:02:26

When did filmmakers stop shooting those immortal images without a voiceover? Even the director Baz Luhrman, who seems to be stoned, finally realized that "The Great Gatsby" needs to use the original text. However, this film, which has nothing to do with Conan Doyle, is still at a loss to the original novelist and current screenwriter Jeffery Hatcher. The monologue written by the quiet, sad but repressed old Sherlock Holmes stood still. Ian Mckellen gave one of the best performances of his life, when he fell out of bed to call for help, when he was old-fashioned doing extremely accurate and quick reasoning, when he cried to Roger's mother until he knelt down, the grandfather's Holmes's The image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the audience, and then twisted in the hearts of the audience. Ian Mckellen's version of Holmes even makes Watson's presence unnecessary.
Every frame of the BBC's film is as technically scrutinized as its documentary, the colors are very comfortable, and the overall tone is completely different from the high-tech version of the modern Sherlock Holmes, which is also produced by the BBC. The color of the Cumberbatch version is very light, and the background is still dominated by the same tone without jumping tone, which has a strong sense of London. The old version of Sherlock Holmes even moved out of 221 Baker Street and came to the seaside, with blue and black seas, large green grasslands and cliffs, red curtains, a refreshing kitchen, and a study of red mahogany; even when shooting post-World War I London Can shoot so clean, well-behaved and accented location and set. Sherlock Holmes' top hat fits in very nicely into the background. A lot of use of mirrors and reflections during shooting, from street scenes to clothing, is absolutely exquisite. It can be seen that there is a lot of investment in historical research. No wonder the name of costume and hair design appeared in the title.
The film is the intersection of three narratives: the beginning of the film (the bee), a few days before (the trip to Japan), and many years ago (the event that made Holmes stop being a detective). I personally feel that the arrangement is average, and it is a bit tiring to shuttle back and forth through the three stories. But the timing of the two postwar periods is no coincidence. A plant that Umezake introduced to Holmes during his trip to Japan, prickly ash, grows in the ruins of Hiroshima as if it could heal everything. In the ruins of Hiroshima, a man mourns the loss of his family's life in an explosion. In World War II, the father of the little boy Roger, the husband of the housekeeper, died, but Roger does not remember him. After World War I, Watson left Holmes before his last case. Ann's husband approached Holmes and wanted him to investigate his wife's situation. Holmes followed his wife and came up with a double version. The first is that Ann, whose parents died since she was a child, lost two children one after another, and resented her husband's indifference. Until one day, when she saw Holmes' business card in the laundry, he hired someone to investigate her, and finally imitated his handwriting and wrote a check to buy poison. ready to kill him. Second, Ann deliberately let Holmes discover her "conspiracy", so the resentment was just resentment or even humiliation, but not really to kill him. The third thing Ann explained herself was that she wanted to talk to Sherlock Holmes in doing so. She thought he could understand his loneliness. She wanted to share her solitudes. But an emotionless person like Sherlock Holmes never wanted to share anything. She asked him, what do you do when you are old? He replied, alone. With a smile. In the end, she committed suicide. He didn't even know why at that time, but he just blamed himself and felt guilty until the end of his life, just like he couldn't feel the same way when he remembered the ruins of Japanese men for his whole family not long ago. Sherlock Holmes's lifelong ailments that he can't share with him are finally cured by "getting old". I almost cried when he knelt on the ground and stoned the dead Watson, brother, Mrs Hudson, Ann, and even Umezake's father, all alone, never been, and all came together.
This movie still tells another kind of truth, Watson is the big boss. And in Sherlock Holmes novels and movies, wearing a detective hat and wearing sunglasses in front of Wong Kar-wai's camera is the same reason: only in this way can we return to ordinary people normally.

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Extended Reading

Mr. Holmes quotes

  • Roger: You ever been bitten by a bee?

    Sherlock Holmes: Stung! Bees don't have teeth! Yes, I have.

    Roger: But not often, though.

    Sherlock Holmes: 7,816 times. I keep a record.

    [Mrs. Munro appears while Roger is smoking the hive]

    Sherlock Holmes: Well, not entirely dreadful.

    Mrs. Munro: You ever been bit?

    Sherlock Holmes: No. I have never been bit.

  • Sherlock Holmes: There seems to be an outbreak of mortality.