A Wonderful and Impressive Movie -- Control

Spencer 2022-06-09 10:26:41

I watched this movie by accident, and by chance, it kept me watching.

Inn and his rock band have gone from obscurity to a lot of attention. Inn got married and became a father at a young age. Inn suffers from epilepsy and needs to be supported by drugs with a lot of side effects. Inn fell in love with a foreign female reporter. This kind of lightness went heavy and broken, and Inn's contradictions led him to commit suicide. Inn was only 23 years old.

The shock and impact of rock are a clue in the film. Young Band makes more and more people crazy. When Inn sings, he is like an intoxicated devil.

Debbie met in Inn's green years, an invisible force destined them to hold hands and marry, and they did that, the invisible force was far and deep.

Inn fell in love with a female reporter from abroad. When he looked at her, all the Band members fell asleep. There were only the two of them in the hut. The wall lamps were lit. It was him and her in the crowded Changsha. Her voice seemed to be from a distance. The breeze blew, and from that moment he fell in love with her. This love has nothing to do with marriage.

He found he was wrong. The fault of his marriage. His mistake of saying "We want a baby" to Debbie, he was woken up that ignorant late night, the result was Debbie's painful delivery, he had a girl, they were parents, the doctor smiled and said "congratulations", but Inn felt Panicked and frightened, his blank eyes and his saying "I need a cigarette".

The band went to the UK and the US and beyond. Inn was busy with the show, and when he came home, it was the face of Debbie and his daughter. The daughter was very small, biting her pacifier, and looking at this tall man, Debbie said "I miss you", but Inn felt that the world had changed.

He said to Debbie "Do you want to sleep with other men? If you want, I won't mind". Debbie knew that Inn didn't love her anymore, or Debbie didn't know that Inn never loved her. She turned her head and walked away, the long and empty road was her galloping pace, and the handsome and thin Inn in a trench coat standing behind her.

He came back and went away. She frantically flipped through all the messages he had left until she saw the name Annick and the sweet and gentle female voice on the phone. At this time, the drums enter, the bass and guitar enter, and the rock music and Inn's voice enter, just in time, once in a while.

Inn didn't want a divorce, she lied to Debbie and continued with Annick. Annick said "a little scared, scared of falling in love with you", and Inn fell into a sweet and irreversible abyss.
He felt the crisis and the hardships of the world. He is no longer him, someone is impersonating Inn. The world needed more from him, the joy he once had was gone, and he didn't know he could give them what they wanted.

Inn lingered on the show in America until he was controlled by someone or something and the audience boiled over, he sang, he was in a trance, he left, he screwed everything up, everything screwed him up. He felt that he had become the target of public criticism. His wife would hate him, his daughter would hate him, he hated the foreign reporter, and he loved the foreign reporter.

Inn wrote to her: I shouldn't have disturbed your life or you have disturbed me, earlier I felt that everything was bright and clear, but now I feel that everything is broken and disappeared before my eyes, I am doing what I am doing to pay a heavy price. I'm torn between my personal beliefs and worldly vision, the world is ruthless, right and wrong, the movie gave me the apocalypse, Marlon Brando is reading transparent people, and the human heart is forever struggling between reason and emotion until it can't be saved. When is it all worthless in the end, what is left? What can I take away? What can you leave behind?

Debbie guards him back and then explodes. He said to Debbie, don't get a divorce, I wouldn't be today without you, and I don't want to lose you. Debbie said but you fell in love with someone else. Inn told her what that had to do with our divorce. Debbie replied that it was all about it. Inn also broke out, he was going to be with her, he told her not to come back tonight, and he would leave tomorrow. He yelled and rolled away, and she panicked.

Inn was holding the cigarette, he was trembling, the music was a long piano sound, he shed tears inadvertently, and he wrote to her:
Eternal love shatters dignity, the innocence of the past no longer exists, and the shadows shroud me, making every action a deep memory of my once loved one.

Then he had another seizure, and he fell heavily, convulsing and foaming at the mouth.

When he woke up the next day, he saw the rope drying clothes in the room, the rope led him into the depths of his memory, and he could not come back.

Time stopped here, and Inn chose to end.

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Control quotes

  • Ian Curtis: I don't want to be in the band anymore. Unknown Pleasures was it. I was happy. I never meant for it to grow like this. When I'm up there, singing they don't understand how much I give and how it affects me. Now they want more. They expect me to give more. And I don't know if I can. It's like it's not happening to me, but... someone pretending to be me, someone dressed in my skin. Now we're going to America. I have no control anymore. I don't know what to do.

  • Ian Curtis: I struggle between what I know is right in my own mind, and some warped truthfulness as seen through other people's eyes who have no heart, and can't see the difference anyway.

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