The details make this film almost useless!

Beulah 2022-04-22 07:01:39

After reading it, it feels very bland, in fact, it is too bland! I was also ridiculed a few times by my wife, such as "Yo, so this is Ian Curtis", which made me quite embarrassed!

A lot of people will be disappointed, that's for sure, because in this film Ian Curtis' character is degenerated from a deified martyr to a reckless and amorous ordinary person, and the most hateful thing is to have an extramarital affair, really Upsetting the fans of Happy Squad.

Throughout the whole film, Ian Curtis's phrase "Young people, shoulder the burden" must be the core idea of ​​​​the film. His fame, epilepsy, family, extramarital affairs undoubtedly overwhelmed the young man. However, the director lacked a clear focus and a reasonable logical relationship when dealing with these many clues, resulting in a messy narrative and lack of focus in the whole film.

From the biography of the British version of Ian Curtis, we can Understand such a piece of information: Ian Curtis is very sensitive, has a strong possessiveness, and will beat his wife (who was still a girlfriend at the time) when his temper comes, but in order to buy her a beloved dress, Ian Curtis sold his only guitar at the time...

Let's just imagine, if this detail was inserted in the film, what Ian Curtis said to his wife after the incident was "inexplicable" Has "I Love You" become easier to understand?

Of course, we can't expect that a young man in his early twenties like Ian Curtis can properly handle the relationship between marriage, family and love, otherwise he would have "cleansed the mystery" as Lao Tzu said, " Not in danger." I think this director's idea is still desirable. Restoring Ian Curtis from "God" to "Human" is indeed a re-deconstruction of the history of "Happy Squad", but the mishandling of details almost makes this film The video is useless!

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Extended Reading

Control quotes

  • Ian Curtis: I don't want to be in the band anymore. Unknown Pleasures was it. I was happy. I never meant for it to grow like this. When I'm up there, singing they don't understand how much I give and how it affects me. Now they want more. They expect me to give more. And I don't know if I can. It's like it's not happening to me, but... someone pretending to be me, someone dressed in my skin. Now we're going to America. I have no control anymore. I don't know what to do.

  • Ian Curtis: I struggle between what I know is right in my own mind, and some warped truthfulness as seen through other people's eyes who have no heart, and can't see the difference anyway.

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