Love kills theme still applies

Reva 2022-04-21 09:02:43

I only watched half of the West Lake Music Festival, and Pixeltoy gave the song Love will tear us apart in Prince Bay. It really fits the scene! When I got home, I watched the second half with my tail

between my legs. I heard JoyDivision's original intention was that their name was very interesting. After watching the film, I realized that it was the name of a brothel. Really cool! The first song I listened to was LWTUA's first time to hear this style of music? whatever I thought it was pretty gloomy and negative after watching Kurt's death I mentioned Ian a little bit and then did something to find out that Ian unfortunately contracted epilepsy and ended up at 23, what a shame If the song is not infected, no one knows if there will be another JohnLennon rocker just like this. Will it be used for memory? Btw, his robot dance moves are really cool and handsome!
The songs of LouReed, IggyPop and David Bowie are the most frequently broadcast in the whole film. I wonder if they have a great influence on these musicians before the new wave. Is it a fate to listen to their songs all the time?

Oh, what a good name for happy split

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Control quotes

  • Ian Curtis: I don't want to be in the band anymore. Unknown Pleasures was it. I was happy. I never meant for it to grow like this. When I'm up there, singing they don't understand how much I give and how it affects me. Now they want more. They expect me to give more. And I don't know if I can. It's like it's not happening to me, but... someone pretending to be me, someone dressed in my skin. Now we're going to America. I have no control anymore. I don't know what to do.

  • Ian Curtis: I struggle between what I know is right in my own mind, and some warped truthfulness as seen through other people's eyes who have no heart, and can't see the difference anyway.

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