There are too many words to write a short review, take up the space of the film review

Dayana 2022-04-19 09:02:19

How to say it, the movie focuses more on an explanation for Ian's ending. I felt numb from the beginning to the end. As a music fan of joydisvison for many years, it is really remarkable to listen to unknown pleasures and closer guys countless times to see some specific details with the mind of a music fan, (Peter hook's little hat and Bernard Sumner shouted at Warsaw performance "You all forgot Rudolf Hess", these two small details do show that the screenwriter is still a little thoughtful) but the film's description of joydisvision's music creation is almost zero, and there are a lot of interesting points about the music. Not mentioning it (for example, the main visual source of the cover of Unknown Joy's classic cover) It would be too shallow to give an explanation to ian's ending and only talk about his emotional and family problems without mentioning the music. I admit that this is a movie, not a documentary, and ian is the protagonist, but you are filming a story about a band after all, so please mention something more! And Deborah is like an innocent and innocent victim throughout the film! In fact, the story from Warsaw to joydisvison can be shot for a short twenty minutes, and Warsaw becomes joydisvison in one cut of the film. And some people in the comments wrote that the script was largely based on Deborah's memoirs, no wonder! Everything about ian was caused by his premature marriage and derailment! bother! In addition, the actor of Bernard Sumner looks like a Nazi too! Really Bernard can't look like a neo-Nazi idiot even if he has a bit of German temperament and a bit of Nazi sideball! The actor that Stephen Morris, who was inspired to become a human drum machine, was okay, and Sam Riley, the actor of Ian, was not bad, but the morbid feeling of the performance on the stage was far less than the feeling of the real Ian in the video. . It's just that Bernard and Peter Hook are really bad actors. The light and shadow effects of the film also feel a little thin. It really feels like a pure filter. Now I feel that the light and shadow are not heavy or impactful enough when shooting black and white films. All in all, as a music fan, I see it very hard, and I can't say it's bad or great.

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Control quotes

  • Ian Curtis: I don't want to be in the band anymore. Unknown Pleasures was it. I was happy. I never meant for it to grow like this. When I'm up there, singing they don't understand how much I give and how it affects me. Now they want more. They expect me to give more. And I don't know if I can. It's like it's not happening to me, but... someone pretending to be me, someone dressed in my skin. Now we're going to America. I have no control anymore. I don't know what to do.

  • Ian Curtis: I struggle between what I know is right in my own mind, and some warped truthfulness as seen through other people's eyes who have no heart, and can't see the difference anyway.

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