Break the waves

Estefania 2022-04-22 07:01:33

Breaking Waves tells the love story of a neurotic girl Beth, who desperately paid for love, but got a tragic ending for various reasons.

In the story, she is innocent, kind and very beautiful. Beth is madly in love with her husband Yang. At first, her family was very opposed to their marriage, but she finally persuaded them with unremitting efforts.

Beth and Yang were very happy at the wedding. Her beautiful big eyes shone with incomparable happiness. Of course, they were also very happy in their married life. They were inseparable almost every day, embracing each other. , feel each other's body temperature. Among them, the most humorous and warm scene is that Yang hugged Bess to sleep, snoring loudly, while Bess snickered in Yang's arms, looking happy, and finally Bess covered her ears and fell asleep.

However, this is not a beautiful fairy tale, Yang had to go to work in order to live, and the two of them were forced to separate. Poor Beth looked a little broken, shouted his name piercingly, and at the moment when the plane was about to take off, she cried and ran up to open the door of the plane and hugged him. It would collapse without him, and how much she needed him, but in the end the plane flew away.

Since then, Beth has lost the smile on her face and is no longer happy. Yang promised that he would call her, but because of work, it was delayed for a long time. Beth came to the public phone booth early. When Yang called her, she was already asleep. Then a man rode past the phone booth and heard the phone ringing. He went up to answer the phone, and Yang said he was looking for Beth. , and then when the man woke up Bess, Bess half-opened her confused eyes, as if she didn't know what was going on. This scene was very distressing.

Beth missed him so much, she couldn't stand being alone, she kept praying to God that Yang would be home the next day, God asked her if you really wanted this, she answered yes without hesitation .

The next day, Yang really came back, but with a paralyzed body, Beth regretted making that wish to God, and she guarded his bedside all day, hoping that Yang could recover. But the day does not follow people's wishes. The doctor told Yang that he would be paralyzed for life, but what she thought was as long as he could live. But Yang doesn't think so. He thinks that he can't give her happiness, and she should go to find a man who belongs to her. But all Beth wanted was to be with him, she thought that was enough, Yang didn't want her to live without fun, and at the same time he wanted her to find a better home, so he lied to her, saying that if Beth went to Having sex with another man and telling herself that he will feel the feeling of love and survive, Yang didn't know that Beth was willing to do anything for him, she thought that several times she personally took him from death. The edge is pulled back. Yang didn't even know that it was what he thought was good for Bess that drove Bess to death.

No one knew that innocent Beth only thought she was saving her lover's life. But in the end, Yang's treatment did not have much effect. The desperate Beth got on a boat for the second time. When she got on the boat for the first time, Beth was just a cheap prostitute in the eyes of the people on the boat. The captain ordered the sailors to Having sex with her in front of her, at first she nodded yes, but probably because she was thinking of him, she escaped from the ship and hit the sailor and pointed the gun on the table at both of them, the captain and the sailor Appears very angry. (In the eyes of all the townspeople, Beth was a cheap prostitute, and because she entered the church with her disheveled hair and ripped clothes and spoke at the church, women at the time had no right to speak in the church. Yes, and given what they thought of her lascivious behavior, the priest announced that she was forbidden to enter the church, and that her mother had refused to open the door for her, and Beth seemed a little flustered, and she had lost her last safe haven.) But Beth Si finally returned to the ship for Yang. After returning to the ship this time, she was carried out of the ship on a stretcher. In the hospital, she strongly requested to take a look at Yang first, but she left with regret after seeing him for the last time and found that he was not getting better.

I don't know if Beth's prayers and sincerity touched God, Yang came to life, because he loved her and didn't want her to be cursed, he and his friends stole her body and threw it into the sea, the next morning The bell was heard.

I have seen two Las Von Trier films, the first is "Dog Town" and the second is "Breaking the Waves". The content of the two films is completely different, but they both describe a simple and kind woman, because of various The reason was heartbroken by reality, followed by a little bit of despair. Does Las Von Trier want to say 'The world is too dark, it is difficult for a simple person to survive in this world', or does it say 'The more simple a person is, the more harm they tend to get'.

I don't really like the feeling of depression and despair that the protagonist gives me at the end of Dogtown and Breaking the Waves, but I really like these two works. It's a bit contradictory to say this, but I think Las Von Trier conveys the emotions of the characters in the novel very well.

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Breaking the Waves quotes

  • The Minister: I would say to you that if there is one of these commandments you do not love and do not obey, you have no business at the Lord's table.

  • The Minister: Can you think of anything of real value that the outsiders have brought with them?

    Bess McNeill: Uh... their music!