Breaking the waves - Neuroticism at its finest

Lue 2022-04-20 09:01:51

I like neuroticism, focused and obsessed eyes, involuntary twitching movements, pale haggard face, messy and dull hair, decadent hoarse or sharp and mean voice... It's like the style of the male lead singer who reinvents the statue's power, like 37 Degree 2 Betty's expression, the voice of a slut Jika, and the face and eyes of Emily Watson...

Emily Watson has a pair of breathtaking eyes, clear and bright, when looking at things , as if the whole person was caught with the same concentration. There is also a pale and thin face, the corners of the mouth often twitch nervously, and the corners of the mouth are turned down, and together with the eyes, the whole heart is written on the face. In the first scene of her appearance, she asks people for permission to marry her. She has a shy and happy expression, her eyes are dodging, but they are very bright, like a child hiding a whole bag of chocolates in her arms. On the night she and Yang were newly married, the two were in bed, and Yang stripped naked to reveal his penis. She was slightly surprised, nervous, shy, and curiously watching. Yang caught her hand and put it on it, she touched it lightly, then burst into a nervous laugh, and finally fell onto the bed with a smile. There is also the scene of Yang's farewell after his honeymoon and about to leave. Emily stood aside, desperately twitching the corners of her mouth, trying to control her emotions, but there was a strong sadness and reluctance in her eyes, and she finally ran away quickly and went to Smashing the wall with a latte... Her sadness and joy are so pure, she is so determined that she has no ego. In the first half of the film, describing her daily life, in the bleak colors and shaky shots, Emily gives us a most neurotic girl. You can clearly remember her hysterical laughter and tearing, her long hair flying in the wind, her curious and shy eyes, her fast running movements, her innocent childish smile...

Only such a thorough and pure person can be in love Truly annihilate yourself. Yang said, Love is a mighty power. But now I still can't understand, what kind of power can be so strong that people can completely abandon themselves. Physical pain and mental torment can be endured without hesitation. The decision was shocking.

I'm thinking that the beauty of neuroticism may lie in its boundlessness, or, in other words, the renunciation of the self-through the renunciation of the daily self, the "self" is more insistent. A relaxed and calm attitude is a condition for human survival, but being too self-sufficient in the face of the world is also the limit of isolation from the world. Unable to control oneself - madness, although at the risk of being cut off from the world, it always seems to mean a higher purpose, which makes people yearn for a better direction.

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Breaking the Waves quotes

  • The Minister: I would say to you that if there is one of these commandments you do not love and do not obey, you have no business at the Lord's table.

  • The Minister: Can you think of anything of real value that the outsiders have brought with them?

    Bess McNeill: Uh... their music!