the price of love

Clinton 2022-04-19 09:02:15

Many years ago, in a university class, I heard a famous professor talk about Lars-Vonter, he is a maverick director, his scenes are always very simple, he only shoots with a portable DV , So in his films, the camera is always shaking, and he is an advocate of the DOGMA movement, he has acrophobia and can't fly, so no matter which movie he makes, no matter which country the story is based on, Basically it was filmed in Denmark...

After listening to a lot of explanations, I slowly watched his movie, the first "Dancer in the Darkness", which made me cry Orbit, a mother was willing to give her life to save her son. It should be said that this is also one of the films that LAS VON TIER can understand best. After that, "Dog Town" and "The Antichrist" are more difficult than the other. I understand. It should be said that the director wants to express many metaphysical things through the lens and the performance of the characters, such as philosophy, religion, theology, etc., not just the story itself. Therefore, if you want to understand his films, there is no relevant Culture and background knowledge are basically incomprehensible.

His films are all about small characters, very simple plots, but the characters are rich in heart. I think this is a great test for the actors. The quasi-BESS face, innocent expression, tearful and painful face, inner torment, ...... very infectious and moving. In front of the screen, I can't help but burst into tears, a silly girl who is willing to do anything for love, until she sacrifices her life. Compared with those sanctimonious priests, and Dr. Richardson who wants to love but dare not, BESS is indeed Fearless, she believes in God, believes that God is always by her side, she loves JAN, thinks about everything for JAN, and only has love for FATHER and JAN in her heart, maybe at the end of the film, the bell of heaven is the echo of BESS to this reality.

It's no wonder that each film of LAS VON TIER can arouse many reflections and waves. Perhaps really great directors and good films are always trying to express what is behind the picture, rather than letting people consume emotions or pass the time in the story itself. , but brings people a kind of thinking that can't be relieved for a long time, yes, BESS does that, BESS's love, BESS's nostalgia for this world or a complaint,... We are destined to be slow to give a clear 's answer, probably this is the reason why many people can't like VON TIER, he is obscure.

However, I think LAS VON TIER is a thoughtful director who can follow Kielovsky.

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Breaking the Waves quotes

  • The Minister: I would say to you that if there is one of these commandments you do not love and do not obey, you have no business at the Lord's table.

  • The Minister: Can you think of anything of real value that the outsiders have brought with them?

    Bess McNeill: Uh... their music!