society or jungle

Isabel 2022-04-19 09:02:17

There are movies in Korea. Dissection, cremation, grave digging, carotid artery rupture, head beating into slag, and child molestation (damn)... These scenes are so cruel. I scrubbed my sister, the little girl sat on her stomach and lay down on her knees, fell in love with you the moment she saw your eyes, secretly held the hand of her dead girlfriend in the elevator, sat in her daughter's transparent ball, hugged Daughter in the water left water marks in the living room...these shots are warm and sharp. Life is cruel, jieji is contradictory, and the lower classes are maggots and ants. Work hard to work overtime, be aggressive, control the defective rate at 0.008%, and then encounter a little risk, although almost poufu strives for it, in the end it is necessary to dusi the whole family. ——Maybe those kids have never eaten pizza in their whole life, so delicious. Bae Doona's Persuasion Technique: If you're not ready for a week, your sister will die. We just want money, don't hurt people, we're good kidnappings. This money is a drop in the bucket for the rich man, and it is a matter of life and death for us. ——As long as you remember, there is no unsuccessful kidnapping. Bae Doona's slogan: drive out the US military, jiefang consortium, dadao's ziyouism that destroys people's lives (maybe it also includes the so-called ziyou competition that who opposes it? And consumerism?), isn't this shouting for Moon Jae-in? You must take revenge, I must take vengeance, he must take vengeance. Who is the enemy?

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Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance quotes

  • Park Dong-jin: I know you're a good guy... but you know why I have to kill you...

  • Cha Yeong-mi: The bad image kidnappers get is because of kids getting killed. But we're different. Give us the money and we'll return the kid pronto.