Strange emotions, metaphorical relationships

Daron 2022-03-17 09:01:05

The 1976 "Omen" Fox film production
is regarded as the continuation of "Devil Baby", which has been reviewed before. It is a classic work that must be mentioned in the field of film noir, which tells about the growth experience of the son of the devil after he was born and harmed the world.
The film tells that in order to comfort his wife who lost a child in another dystocia, the actor ambassador adopted an unknown baby boy in the hands of a priest in the hospital, and the family began a happy life. Five years later, strange things happened one after another at the child Demi’s fifth birthday party. A mysterious priest warned the ambassador that Demi is the son of the devil Satan. He will kill his parents and younger brother and inherit his property for development. In his kingdom, the ambassador and his wife did not believe it at first. However, with the bizarre death of the priest and the tragic death of his wife after a miscarriage by Demi, the ambassador had to start to doubt the true identity of his adopted son, and secretly investigated it with reporters who had been following the matter. As the truth becomes clearer, Mr. Ambassador understands that Demi must sacrifice, but now Mr. Ambassador, who is already weak at this time, how can he fight the devil Satan?
The plot structure of this film is bizarre, the shooting technique is accurate, and it involves Western beliefs. It is easy to understand. The dark atmosphere and story structure presented to the audience by the director Richard Downer are very colorful. Coupled with calm photography skills and a huge soundtrack, it has formed a movie with a pretty good horror effect. After the film was released, it won a box office of 100 million yuan and a good reputation. The commendable soundtrack in the film also opened up new areas for subsequent noir films. It stands to reason that the movie is well made and there is no sequel, but unfortunately, the two bad omens and three bad omens that were shot in succession afterwards are far from the shooting level and artistic value of the first film. Some even copied the scenes and the lines are exactly the same. (Surprised face) Suspected of fried cold rice, not very visible.

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The Omen quotes

  • [last lines]

    Secret Service Man: Excuse me, Mr. President. When you're ready to leave, your car's right over there.

    President: In a moment.

    Secret Service Man: Yes, sir.

  • [last title card]

    Title card: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666." Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 18