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Alvena 2022-04-23 07:03:15

Maybe I watched it with my boyfriend. From the second half, it was my sister who ate my sister's finger and kept laughing at me, causing my boyfriend who felt disgusting in the early stage to laugh with me later, ?. The sister was eating her finger, and then the sister woke up, and then the two sisters looked embarrassed. The second is the part of spitting out the hair, and the part of digging the cow's dung, I feel very disgusting, but I can accept it, my boyfriend's mentality collapsed immediately... Maybe I, a citizen of Xiaojing, have no cultural attainments, I feel that the director The things that come to mind are really novel, and it makes people feel that they have seen new things, but they really only see new things and do not see new content.

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  • Justine: I wanted a female roommate

    Adrien: You got a fag, same thing to them

  • Justine: [to a dead Adrien] Why didn't you fight back?

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