The script is wonderful

Arnold 2022-04-20 09:02:00

Never seen such amazing creativity in a prison movie. A small accident has led to a series of escalating, suspenseful, intense and exciting stories. Stories with intrigues and intrigues are the best. This unbreakable truth is the experience I have gathered from watching movies for many years, and I also prefer realism, so this movie is very appealing to me. The film not only describes the various violent confrontations and complex relationships in the prison in detail, but also reveals that the real world outside the prison is full of ugliness and lies, social injustice, institutional corruption, political conspiracy, and lack of morality. Flooded, even scarier than a prison. This character with a strong sense of justice, experienced a brief violent incident, and finally had a complete change in thinking and behavior. The character itself is a complete irony. The only shortcoming is that the transformation process of this core character is a little hasty, and the psychological transition is a little blunt. The Biao drama of the powerful actors is very interesting, whether it is the scar face that appears every time, or the small characters who appear for a few minutes.

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Extended Reading

Celda 211 quotes

  • Malamadre: So the guards beat you up your first day. You must have pissed them off.

    Juan Oliver: I do my best.

  • Malamadre: Where did you come from?

    Juan Oliver: From 211.

    Malamadre: That cell was empty.

    Juan Oliver: Not anymore.

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