Grandpa Allen's mutual gaming

Zane 2022-04-21 09:02:50

The combination of loli and uncle, I have to say that I still appear in dramas from time to time. Why was the male god Colin under the command of Shi Shi?
The tone of the whole film is elegant, retro, fresh and romantic. It feels in the same vein as "Midnight in Paris", but they are definitely two different stories.
The male god is a sought-after great magician (his Chinese appearance is really enough), brilliant and acerbic. From the following expressions, we can know that it is a shadow left in his heart when he was a child. Atheist, see through the world, the only fun is Lock yourself in a room and study magic.
Stone girl is a little psychic, and she and her mother are in the upper class to cheat food and drink (this should also be Grandpa Allen's irony about the rich and brainless in the upper class), so the point of contact between the two is: the male god is invited by a friend To expose the Stone Girl.
Then there is the beautiful and boundless scenery of southern France, clouds, sea, mansions, beauty, beauty, beauty, and the male god found that he couldn't see through the stone girl's tricks at all, and began to believe in Stone girl, that this world exists. Because of the unknown and magical, I began to love this world where there is unknown, and even the clothes changed from dark suits to more dreamy white~~~
Well, this is definitely an advertisement that Grandpa Allen planted himself, The previous film has always insisted on atheism. Is this film trying to tell us that the old man has begun to have faith? Nononono, everything is just for his refutation and self-refutation, just like Zhou Botong's mutual learning, so if you know that belief is just a self-comforting lie, do you still believe it? If you believe, you may be more relaxed and happy, and your heart will have sustenance; if you don't believe, you will enter the abyss of no desire and no desire, and you will no longer have simple happiness...

But after the male god recovered and found that he was only deceived, he fell into this situation In the mutual blog, happyending of course wants the male and female protagonists to be together happily, but I really feel that the scene of the marriage proposal seems to be Mr. Darcy's upper body, arrogant and confident, although it is a marriage proposal but it is like a charity: "I'll take you under my wing!" (oh, it turns out that "Pride and Prejudice" is the originator of the overbearing president falling in love with me!!)

In short, I can write the technical content of this plot and characters at home, but Grandpa Allen still has his reasons for walking around the world for so many years. ! ! !

Still wondering whether to choose to use lies to comfort yourself or to be lonely and independent? The old man's ending clearly tells everyone that the most important thing is to be happy...

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Magic in the Moonlight quotes

  • Stanley: I view your behavior as a great man views the malicious mischief of... what shall we say, pygmy?

  • Stanley: There is no 'real thing', Howard! It's all phony! From the séance table to the Vatican and beyond!