
Destin 2022-04-22 07:01:32

Very well told movie.
What is commendable is that there are no losers, the love between David and Diana and John's love for Diana are sincere. As a billionaire, John did not use money as an arrogant tool to overwhelm love, but cleverly used it as rose and red wine for love, and devoted his sincerity to impress Diana.
In the end, John saw her steadfastness in Diana's eyes, and realized that he could not fully get her heart and her love, so he slandered his image in Diana's heart with a lie, in exchange for the end of a relationship. His voluntary giving up is graceful and gentlemanly, only related to love and personality, not money.

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Indecent Proposal quotes

  • Diana: The dress is for sale. I'm not.

  • David: [while playing pool] I guess there's limits to what money can buy.

    John: Not many.

    Diana: Well some things aren't for sale.

    John: Such as?

    Diana: Well you can't buy people.

    John: That's naive, Diana. I buy people every day.

    Diana: In business, maybe, but you can't buy people not when real emotions are involved.

    John: So you're saying you can't buy love? That's a bit of a cliché don't you think?

    Diana: It's absolutely true.

    John: Is it? What do you think?

    David: I agree with Diana.

    John: You do? Well let's test the cliché. Suppose... I were to offer you one million dollars for one night with your wife.

    David: I'd assume you're kidding.

    John: Let's pretend I'm not. What would you say?

    Diana: He'd tell you to go to hell.

    John: I didn't hear him.

    David: I'd tell you to go to hell.

    John: That's a reflex answer because you view the question as hypothetical. But let's say that there was real money backing it up. I'm not kidding. A million dollars. The night would come and go but the money could last a lifetime. Think of it. A million dollars. A lifetime of security... for one night. Don't answer right away. Just consider it; seriously?

    David: We're positive, okay?

    John: Well then you've proved your point. There are limits to what money can buy. It's late, and I hate to admit it, but I have meetings in the morning. May I have one dance? With your permission.

    David: You know something? I think you better hurry on to that meeting. You don't want to miss out on your next billion.

    John: Understood. I wouldn't part with her either. Good night.