It's not just the skin that seduces

Luther 2022-04-19 09:02:17

It's hard to criticize a movie!
After reading it, I don't know what language to use to express it. To be precise, I can't express it! The director's expression is intrusive, almost cruel!
Helpless children experience things that should not be experienced by children when they are children. What they lose is not only virginity, but also childlike fun! Indulgence or autism, the two grow up and choose from each other!
Neil's face is beautiful and almost perfect, uninhibited and melancholy, what we see in the crazy self-destruction is the revenge, the final loss!
"It was true love with the coach at that time", the language itself has no punctuation, we don't know whether this sentence is an exclamation mark or a question mark, we can only see Neil's confused eyes!
Brian's face is also handsome and restrained. The memory after that rainy evening was blank, but this was just a folder hidden in the subconscious, which was opened countless times in the dream, and suddenly exploded when facing my father! The fear of sex is actually the fear of the past, but behind the fear is an almost maddening love and enjoyment.
Two pure faces reflect a filthy and ugly society!
In the snowy night, God glanced at Neil; in the night when the aliens came, God also glanced at Brian, but without a trace of favor, the two helpless children still walked helplessly and cruelly. , getting smaller and smaller in the dark!
There is also Allen's two sexual hints to Brian, one is touching the scar on his leg, and the other is touching the sheep by caesarean section, which is also an accusation of the society's repression!
Neil is chaotic, Brian is terrified, Ellen is craving for sex, and the children are already panicking at a loss!

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Extended Reading

Mysterious Skin quotes

  • Wendy: I can't believe I'm finally getting out of this fucking nowhere town!

  • Eric: I got a postcard from Wendy.

    Neil: I think she's mad at me because I owe her like 3 letters.

    Eric: Yeah, her last P.S. is "Tell Fuckface to write me."