When it comes to superheroes, you shouldn't ignore it

Douglas 2022-04-19 09:02:24

Ranked 10th in China's total box office and fourth in film history, after a month of raging, the box office of "Avengers 3" was finally fixed at such an all-time high.

However, compared to the box office record of Avengers 3, as a Super League fan, another piece of news is more concerning:

The comic film "Blood Fighter" co-produced by DMG Yinji Media and Sony Pictures has announced a new batch of actors: Aisha Gonzalez, the thief in "The God of Car Theft", both literary and commercial Captured Michael Sheen, as well as British handsome Sam Heughan, and of course the bald man Vin Diesel who has long been confirmed to play the leading role.

Equivalent to the cast, he is the mastermind behind the film.

Producer Neil Moretz, the operator of the "Fast and Furious" series; director Dave Wilson, one of the producers of "Deadpool"; the screenwriter we are more familiar with, won the Oscar for "Arrival". Best Screenplay nominee Eric Heysel.

From actors, scripts to directors, including other behind-the-scenes personnel, they have all participated in Hollywood A-level commercial films such as "Iron Man 3", "The Fast and the Furious", "The Kick-off", "Arrival", "The Sandman" and so on.

The reason why I care about it is that "Bloodshot" will be the first superhero comic universe movie to be completely operated, developed and produced by a Chinese company.

Such a top Hollywood cast combination, coupled with the DMG seal behind it, will naturally make me, a superhero fan, look forward to "Blood Warrior" and even the Warrior Universe that follows: perhaps, we will also successfully create a global fan favorite. The super-British movie, swept away the shadow of "Sino-US cooperation" in the past?


Warrior Universe, one of the three giants of American comics

When it comes to superheroes, many people first think of Iron Man and Spider-Man under Marvel, or DC's Superman and Batman, but those who know something about American comics should know that outside these two heroic universes , Meiman also has a third giant - the Warriors universe.

And "Blood Warrior" is one of the most popular heroes in the warrior universe, and it is also the first warrior super hero to be put on the big screen.

Warrior Comics was established in 1989. Although the post-80s generation is not as "veteran" as DC and Marvel, but with values ​​that are closer to contemporary young people, the superheroes under its command quickly won the market.

In the early 1990s, Warriors comics sold more than 85 million copies, grabbed 12% of the market share from DC and Marvel, and even occupied seven of the top ten comics sales in the United States for a time.

Marvel market share 30%, DC market share 16%

The most unique thing about the superheroes under the Warriors banner is their antiheroic nature.

Most of the heroes in everyone's traditional impression are jealous of evil, punishing evil and promoting good. They are full of justice and courage. The most typical is Superman in DC comics, or Spider-Man with "great ability, great responsibility" .

There is hardly a single flaw in them, they are perfect and "fake" people at the same time.

The Warriors' Chaoying is more of an "anti-hero" image. They are not positive, nor are they magnificent, and their personalities may be very cowardly, very ordinary, and very crazy, which is definitely different from traditional heroes.

They are like you and me in the real world. Values ​​are not absolutely black and white. There are often gray areas. They have all the selfishness or weaknesses of normal people. They may make mistakes and may be cowardly. But it is this real image that unearths the human side of the hero and impresses us even more.

Like "Bloodshot", it tells a story that "did not save the world".

Bloodshot was originally a seriously injured soldier who was accidentally transformed into a killing machine by black technology. He has the super power to control all electronic devices. He uses physical contact to read information and download the latest technology, which is quickly uploaded to his brain .

However, the people who transformed him erased his memory, and in order to retrieve his past and take revenge on these people, Bloody Fighter alone fights a huge evil force and the police.

There is no super power to fly, there are not too many cool laser lights, and there is no responsibility or righteousness. To put it bluntly, this is a story about revenge.

However, it is such a story about self-redemption that is the most touching. We can feel the truth and cruelty of life in these characters, and see the emotions of flesh and blood.

In a world where superheroes have rushed out of the galaxy, we also need self-defense antiheroes like Bloodshot.

And Doctor Phantom, my favorite Warriors comic book character.

Wonder Woman, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Harley Quinn... In the past few years, in the superhero world, it is no longer only male superheroes who brush their faces, and more and more female superheroes get rid of the position of sexy vases and start to save world.

The Warriors' Doctor Phantom is still a very unique one among these female superheroes.

Doctor Phantom is a paranormal researcher who can see ghosts. She seeks justice for those who have died by talking to the souls of the dead. At the same time, she is constantly searching for the soul of her deceased husband.

Different from other female superheroes, Doctor Phantom is more down-to-earth, whether it is Wonder Woman or Scarlet Witch, they are paid more attention and praised for their fighting power and love for saving the world.

Compared with them, Doctor Phantom's superpowers may not be worth mentioning, but she has a small love to find her husband, which makes her story more universal.

As you can see from these two comic book characters, antiheroes are unique to the superheroes of the Warriors universe.


Chinese-made super-British movies——

Internationally recognized Chinese filmmakers

In addition to Bloody Warrior and Doctor Phantom, the Warriors also have more than 2,000 superhero characters including Chronos, Pioneer Warriors, Night Shadow, Ninja K, etc. In terms of numbers, the Warriors universe ranks first among the major superhero universes.

And the super hero of the warrior universe also has a feature, that is, in addition to American nationality and "alien nationality", the super hero of the warrior is more brothers and sisters from four continents and five oceans, such as Harada, the leader of the pioneer warrior, is a Japanese people.

The multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and globalized characteristics of the Warriors Universe also gave DMG Yinji an opportunity to jump out of the type of superhero movie and push the brand-new Heroes Universe IP to the world with its own advantages of global operation.

People who are used to watching Hollywood blockbusters should have a little impression of DMG Inki. In 2013, its logo appeared on the title of "Iron Man 3". In addition to co-producing "Iron Man 3" with Marvel, DMG Inki also produced A series of Hollywood commercial blockbusters such as "Ring Messenger", "Transcendental Hacker" and "Extreme Thief".

In fact, it can be seen from these movies that DMG Yinji is a very "global" team. It can fully use Hollywood actors and behind-the-scenes masterminds, and can also properly integrate Chinese elements with the film, and obtain Chinese and American Recognized by the two major markets.

This is the most unique part of DMG Yinji. It has rich experience in the development and production of Hollywood commercial films, which makes it know how to operate the Hollywood model and team better than other Chinese film and television companies.

At the same time, based on the familiarity with the Chinese film market, it also knows how to properly adapt to the Chinese market better than Hollywood.

In fact, in addition to the DMG seal, in recent years, there have been many Chinese capital "brave into Hollywood", but successful? Far from it.

Putting Hollywood superstars and popular Chinese stars together in an embarrassing performance, with a big IP monster, a special effects bombing on China's most famous landmark - duang! That's how the "big production" was born!

We have watched too many co-productions like this. The Great Wall, which has the strongest "Sino-US co-production" halo in history, is a "cultural disaster".

These failed cases are all about "closing the door" to create Chinese-style custom blockbusters for Chinese people, rather than "going out" to create a Hollywood-style commercial film.

"Iron Man 3", "Ring Messenger" and "Transcendental Hacker" operated by DMG Yinji in the whole process, from the word of mouth, at least the first step of "globalization" - going out, has been successfully completed.

As for the second step - communication, DMG Yinji has also achieved initial results in a steady and steady way.

In addition to "Blood Warrior" cooperating with Sony, DMG Yinji has also finalized the cooperation with CBS and CW to launch the super full-line drama "Dr.

"Warrior Universe" will also become the first IP developed simultaneously in the two major markets of China and the United States.

Last year's "Wolf Warrior 2" not only set a Chinese box office record, but also reached the global box office TOP100, which is also the only non-Hollywood film in the top 100.

The box office performance of "Wolf Warrior 2" not only makes people re-examine the capacity of the Chinese film market, but also makes people see the possibility of surpassing the North American market.

The Chinese film market is now like a delicious piece of cake, and everyone wants a piece of it.

Marvel is the fastest beach grabber. It has launched two Chinese superheroes one after another this year, and DMG Yinji also plans to launch superhero movies such as "Blood Warrior" and "Pioneer Warrior" to the global market, igniting fans around the world. passion.

In fact, our pursuit of Hollywood superhero blockbusters has never been about how deep the plot is, or how much money they spend, but how every penny is spent on the edge, which is the so-called industrialization.

How to make the characters interesting, how to make the special effects exciting, and how to make the plot twisty, these are the places that should really be learned.

The expectation for the Warriors IP and the attention to the DMG Insignia also come from this. It is so easy for capital to enter Hollywood, but we must learn from Hollywood how to use capital reasonably, how to create efficiently, and how to complete the production of commercial blockbusters. ,This is the most important.

In "Blood Warrior", we do see the possibility of Chinese filmmakers going out, creating globalized superhero films, and enhancing the capabilities of the film industry. This is also the biggest reason to look forward to it.

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Bloodshot quotes

  • Dr. Emil Harting: Your nanites are down. All that's left is Ray Garrison!

    Ray Garrison: And that's enough.

  • KT: [to Ray] Well, the military only anonymously donates the remains of soldiers who weren't claimed by family.


    KT: Sorry, sometimes you just gotta rip off the Bandaid, it helps to get through the pain of it quicker.