
Garfield 2022-04-19 09:02:18

> A chance encounter in New York, a
man made a life plan, to have a house, a car, a career, and then consider a woman;
the woman lost a boyfriend;

> 3 years later, the woman called the man and the
man's career was just beginning Starting, the planning seems to have taken the first step;
the woman once again lost a man and was deeply injured, and the man left her a canon;

> 2 years later, the man appeared at the door of the woman. The
man's career is getting more and more Busy, dumped by his girlfriend, still planning that huge career; the
woman found the direction of her life with the camera he gave her, and began to record everything in her life with photos;

> 1 year later, a man once appeared at the woman's door
A man's career went bankrupt and his life plan was thrown into flames. Only then did he realize that the woman who was destined to be by his side was always by his side; however,
the woman had settled down and chose someone who she could trust and would not leave her to get engaged;

> After 6 months, the woman appeared in front of the man, and the
man still achieved nothing;
the woman abandoned her marriage contract and pursued her true love; a

movie is a movie, there should not be those last 6 months in real life, reality Life is full of regrets...

We have big plans for life, and we seek things that we don't have in life, but we always take things for granted that are always around us. When everything you pursue becomes a cloud, you will find that what is truly worth cherishing is around you.

Think about why you are not like this. For this seemingly good job, you gave up the love around you. It sounds like a test of love, but is it really worth it?

In the last year and a half, I will not delay any longer~ In order not to miss it again, for LOVE

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A Lot Like Love quotes

  • Oliver Martin: Well, if it wasn't love, it was a lot like it.

  • Oliver Martin: My brother's deaf, Em. I can go days without talking.