a dog's mission

Nico 2022-04-20 09:02:01

I like the opening sentence of the film: Is having a good time the whole point of life? This dog named Bailey is so cute. Thinking about wasting time in life, accepting life and letting it take its course. When I was young, there were always a lot of children. It was really miserable for leaders to come to the house, and the table also suffered too much unbearable weight.

How normal love begins. So the most elusive thing is the human heart. Ethan drove away Anna, perhaps because he felt that he could not give her the happiness of freedom. (It turns out I was wrong, and Ethan himself said in the end that it was just because he hated the world. Heck) God, I was so fucking moved when I saw Bailey jumping in through the car window.

The dog was where he used to stay with Ethan, and he didn't want to move anymore until he died. I'm here just to make Ethan happy, alas, suddenly wanting a dog. The worst thing in the world is loneliness.

Ellie's puppy Kazlan's big eyes are so beautiful that it's hard to refuse. Ellie is dead, my god, I've made up my mind that I'll have a dog in the future.

Slow down, slow down, I only have short legs, hahahaha, this puppy made me laugh. The puppy is so cute. When a dog falls in love, laughing to death

Dogs can be lonely too.

This dog has been tied up since it was bought. It seems that life is the same without it. How cruel. Eventually the dog found Ethan, the first owner.

If I had a dog, I would definitely give it a collar.

The dog knocking on the door is so beautiful.

It turns out that the dog is the one who understands the most.

My beautiful girl walked back to my life.

Oh my gosh, it's so touching this dog made me cry like a dog.

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Extended Reading

A Dog's Purpose quotes

  • Carlos: [into his police radio] My dog's been shot! I repeat, canine shot!

    Ellie: [narrating] I always hated getting shots. This was definitely the worst shot I ever got.

  • Tino: [at the veternarian] What's with these white-coat people sticking me with sharp things?