[2008] How to betray each other

Eriberto 2022-04-20 09:01:58

It took a few years for this movie to start watching from the beginning.
So apart from Simon Pegg,
the other characters can't be remembered.
When the credits flashed to Megan Fox,
I had no reaction at all.
And when Kirsten Dunst came on stage,
that special aura captured me immediately.
Oh, it turns out that the backstage of this film is not small~

As an inspirational film,
the title of "How to betray the family and leave the family" seems very inappropriate.
It's a name that leans more towards pure comedy.
"How to give up sex with female stars and talk about black and white movies with young literary women"
is a better choice.

Speaking of the gimmick of kabab being shot while lying down,
the camel who once wandered in the UK showed a knowing smile.
Simon Pegg brought the ruffians of England
to Hollywood on the other side of the ocean.
British people are notorious for being bitter and mean,
and they are different from Americans' direct swearing, and
often go around humiliating each other -
in this regard, they are exactly the same as some people~=A=

story There is not much novelty in itself,
and there is nothing too out of the ordinary in terms of character setting.
The combination of British humor and American humor is a good attempt
The progress of the plot is relatively conventional,
and the emotional development of the male and female protagonists can only be reluctant. It is a pity that it is still a little short
of naturalness .

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Extended Reading

How to Lose Friends & Alienate People quotes

  • Alison Olsen: You know what I don't understand? You're so desperate to get a story in the magazine, so why wouldn't you play ball with Eleanor, write the puff piece?

    Sidney Young: I just, I resent being bribed to gush sycophantically about a star. I choose to gush sycophantically.

  • Sidney Young: Hey, "keep true to the dreams of thy youth."

    Alison Olsen: Is that "Troy" again?

    Sidney Young: It's Schiller.