I don't want to watch it again

Lillian 2022-04-23 07:02:33

I watched a movie you like tonight, and I didn't understand it very well, so I was a little sad. She seduces poor him, he follows closely but can't get it, feels his confusion and pain, but she is happy and nourished, like a lost cat playing and laughing at his desires, she is beautiful and moving, can choose a dance partner at will, he always Very suffocated and restrained, following her like a bereaved dog. I don't like this kind of painful absent-mindedness and hopeless self-degeneration. Faith and love are all vain and dead, and I don't want to watch it a second time. Later, I smoked a lot of cigarettes and talked a lot in the back mountain, but I still didn’t understand it. Maybe I haven’t had you recently, and I have reached a mental crisis.

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The Sweet Life quotes

  • Sylvia: [when a reporter asked her, "How do you sleep, with pajamas or nightgown?"] Neither. I sleep only in 2 drops of French perfume.

  • Emma: [to Paparazzo] How can you be this way? It's not possible to be like you! Hyenas! You're worse than hyenas! You don't respect anyone! You make me sick! Cowards!