very depressed

Gillian 2022-04-22 07:01:39

I don't like this movie very much. Originally wanted to see happiness and grievances, but saw that both sides suffered. Originally wanted to see the arrogance and dry cloud, but saw that the liver and intestines were broken. Not as good as Paparazzi. All the male protagonists are desperate for the family, but Paparazzi's male protagonist is so good. After clever calculation, he accurately knocked out the psyco one by one. How happy. But that's just personal likes and dislikes, what's really weird is the logic of the film. Didn't the writers watch Law and Order and CSI? The
first murder happened so much that the prosecutor couldn't charge the bad guy? Afterwards, the squatters went on a rampage, but the police were still powerless and indifferent. The SB female detective taught the male protagonist a dog-like lesson, saying that she could not stop the gangster. The male protagonist is more familiar with the gangster's lair than the gangster. . . In short, depressing film. Sorry to see it.

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Death Sentence quotes

  • Nicholas "Nick" Hume: I'm looking for Billy Darley or any of his friends.

    [Sammy speaks in Spanish, and so Nick throws down some money]

    Sammy: [in Spanish] I said I don't speak English, you son of a bitch. Got it now, boss?

    Nicholas "Nick" Hume: [in Spanish] Maybe if I chop off that piece of shit you call a head... and sent it to your mother, she'd recognize you. But I doubt it, boss.

  • [after displaying guns for Nick]

    Bones Darly: Any one of these is bound to make you feel better about what's bothering you.