Father and son love

Johann 2022-04-21 09:02:45

When my son was killed by an innocent gangster, I thought about my more than ten years of upbringing and feelings, put down my thriving career, and killed the murderer on a whim, but I didn't expect it to cause even more trouble. If it were me, What would I do?

Because I don’t have children yet, I can’t really experience the pain of losing a child, but I won’t let it go. Even if I don’t kill like the protagonist, I will let them live in peace. The boundary between morality and law is at this time. vague

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Death Sentence quotes

  • Nicholas "Nick" Hume: I'm looking for Billy Darley or any of his friends.

    [Sammy speaks in Spanish, and so Nick throws down some money]

    Sammy: [in Spanish] I said I don't speak English, you son of a bitch. Got it now, boss?

    Nicholas "Nick" Hume: [in Spanish] Maybe if I chop off that piece of shit you call a head... and sent it to your mother, she'd recognize you. But I doubt it, boss.

  • [after displaying guns for Nick]

    Bones Darly: Any one of these is bound to make you feel better about what's bothering you.