I sentence you to death

Cora 2022-04-20 09:01:59

Subtitle: I Sentence You to Death
I give 6 points.

This year's IMDB rating is generally high, this film's score has dropped all the way down to 7 points, but I still feel that this year's score is generally 0.5 to 1 point higher.

It tells the story of revenge. I don’t know if it is because of the cultural differences between the East and the West. I like the revenge trilogy by a Korean director more, but I don’t like this film. The film too much renders some specific scenes that are formalized, such as buying a gun, shaving a head, and so on. I think it's actually quite boring.

Judging from the content of the film, it is still lackluster. Some people say that the director of the play is not good at choosing scripts, which seems to be true.

Too much violence in the film reminds me of the film "Sin City" a few years ago, which is much higher than Sin City.

But in general, the plot is still tense enough, the rhythm is good, and the most important thing is that the soundtrack of the film is quite good. I don't usually pay much attention to music, but this time maybe because of the paleness of the plot. It's an unexpected gain.

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Death Sentence quotes

  • Nicholas "Nick" Hume: I'm looking for Billy Darley or any of his friends.

    [Sammy speaks in Spanish, and so Nick throws down some money]

    Sammy: [in Spanish] I said I don't speak English, you son of a bitch. Got it now, boss?

    Nicholas "Nick" Hume: [in Spanish] Maybe if I chop off that piece of shit you call a head... and sent it to your mother, she'd recognize you. But I doubt it, boss.

  • [after displaying guns for Nick]

    Bones Darly: Any one of these is bound to make you feel better about what's bothering you.