Five-star heroine, one-star story, five-star director

Wilfrid 2022-04-22 07:01:41

The heroine has a different taste, not stunningly beautiful but deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Is it just that the agents are so stupid? Treat the audience for idiots? The agents on both sides are playing on both sides. The agents are not for killing people, but for obtaining information. Why is the agent just killing and killing? There is such a mentally retarded ending, the dog's tail continues the mink, no no no, in fact, it was very ordinary from the beginning. Director Luc Besson's shooting method is still very postmodern. It's just that I really think this plot is too naive, and it's good to be a movie to pass the time.

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Anna quotes

  • Olga: Adversity is a great teacher.

  • Alex Tchenkov: You're crazy. You'll never make it out of here alive.

    Anna: Lay down.

    Alex Tchenkov: You're a dead woman.

    Anna: I love you too.

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