will i be unsuccessful

Coralie 2022-04-20 09:01:59

It's a bit like a combination of "Little Miss Sunshine" and "The Undertaker". It not only talks about a wonderful family: the emotional bond between the members is not strong, and everyone seems to be a loser; it also talks about a special occupation: a professional cleaner. Let’s talk about family members first. My father doesn’t do a proper job, never down-to-earth, and always fantasizes about making a fortune one day; my sister was very beautiful in high school. ; The younger sister has never done a serious job, she is old and unmarried, and lives with her father; the son behaves strangely and is constantly forced to drop out of school. Terrible family where every member is a loser. I don't know how many people live in such a family, but I can imagine it must be dark and hopeless in such a family.
What impressed me the most was my sister. As her own motivational master, she repeated to herself: "I am great, I am strong, and I am a successful person." In high school, she was full of beauty. Now she is disheartened. At the class reunion, she was used as a maid. Will our class reunion become like this at some point? What brings everyone together is not to miss the love of classmates, but to satisfy their vanity - they can show off their good life at the class reunion, and those who have a bad life will never appear at the class reunion again. Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered that the teacher of a certain professional elective course said in a bitter and sarcastic tone that a girl in his class rejected his friend to marry a junior college student, and has been having a bad life since then. "She never came to our class reunion since then" (the teacher twitched when she said this). I hear this, nauseated acid reflux. I hate this kind of overly materialistic and worldly people who use status and wealth as the only standard to measure people. I love the kind of person who is affectionate, the kind of person who has girlfriends or brothers, I think this is the living person.
This in turn involves the definition of success and the way of life. The elder sister is unsuccessful, the younger sister is unsuccessful, and the father is not successful. So what is success? Satisfying social standards - status and money, is success? How many people have been trapped by such "success" for a lifetime? I do not deny the importance of status and money, which can give you more social resources and make it easier for you to get the life you want. But money and status are just the way, not the end.
You may ask, is there a difference between the pursuit of money and status, and seeing it as the ultimate goal and as a way? Of course, if you take it as the ultimate goal, everything you do is for it; if you take it as a way, the ultimate goal is to enjoy life, then you may find other ways to enjoy life in the middle. Take the pursuit of beauty as an example, some people take the pursuit of beauty as the ultimate goal; some people take beauty as a way, and the ultimate goal is just for a love. The former only wants beautiful women (which may be scarred); the latter wants love. He pursues beautiful women only in the mistaken belief that beautiful women can make his love better. Maybe one day he meets an ordinary person who can also give him love. enough.
To bring it back, I advocate seeing money as a means and enjoying life as an end. As Bitian said: "Have a stable family, can afford children, and call my brother out for a drink every now and then. This is life." This is the life I love, and the life I want— - Have yourself (know who you are, what you want, and pursue a career), family (family life is harmonious), and friends. Regardless of whether I'm "successful" in the future, if I keep working on the life I want, that's enough. A person's life focuses on growth and process. Whatever the result, let's go with the flow, at least try hard.
This is the biggest thought of this movie for me. Regarding the "professional cleaning division" part of the special occupation, it is not as exciting as "The Undertaker". To understand the meaning of a special occupation, it is recommended to read "The Undertaker".

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Sunshine Cleaning quotes

  • Joe Lorkowski: It's a business lie, it's different from a life lie.

  • Mac: Hey, you can handle this report tonight, can't you? I gotta thing I gotta do.

    Randy: It's a blonde thing or a brunette thing?