Chocolate lost by nesting doll

Bradford 2022-04-20 09:01:59

"Blind Influenza", the film I just finished watching. The whole film feels good, as if you are reading a novel - the traditional moral and legal system has fallen, in a miniature country of blind people, human beings adapt and grow, and then the formation of power, the emergence of violent systems, the emergence of people's Compromise until final resistance, freedom. In short, this is a rapidly developing history of mankind. Why is it blind? There is such a paragraph in the film, a white man is dissatisfied with the powerful leader (white man) and said to the person leading the way in front of him: I must kill this nigger! But he didn't know the man was a black man. Our most direct impression of the real world comes from vision, and many of them become the first impression, but as "Pride and Prejudice" tells us, to a large extent this is wrong, the unknowability of human nature achieves good changed us. When the light of divinity covers our eyes, we cannot see each other, and our communication spans races, skin colors, and ages. Blindness makes us let go of our previous values ​​together, and human beings return to the most primitive equality. We love, hug and support each other. , and eventually become family. Rather than saying that this is the destruction of human civilization, it is better to say that this is a rebuilding of human civilization. At the end of the film, the words of the black old man are very immersive. Xiaoxiong is also happy for the first blind person to regain his sight, but then he is also disappointed. If he wants to return to the former society, can he? Or want to? I don't even want to think about it. . . .

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Blindness quotes

  • First Blind Man: He stole my car.

    Doctor: It doesn't matter, what are you gonna do with a car, you can't drive anyway?

    Thief: [referring to thief] He stole my sight!

  • Doctor: You of all people... born blind should understand empathy... and human decency.

    King of Ward 3: Shut up. Shut up. He's blind. That's all. That doesn't make him good or bad! That just makes him blind. And now, he's blind with a purpose. Because he's looking out for the sick and the hungry of his own ward.