black water

Gudrun 2022-04-20 09:02:08

An unremarkable movie title. After saving it before, I went to work on other things. When I opened it these days, I didn't know what the theme of the movie was. I just believed in my own vision. Because I don't know the introduction and background of this movie at all, I can't stand it at first, but the more I watch it, the more nervous I get.

I will experience more fear than anger, and even follow the ups and downs of bilott's emotions. From ignorance at the beginning, I gradually learned that I would devote myself to the lawsuit. After a slight improvement, I fell to the bottom, then I rebounded and then I lost all my thoughts. Persistence in victory... From the moment I finally received the phone call, my eyes were so wet that I couldn't hold back the tears, and then when I was celebrating with my family, I received a phone call and was hit by reality again, and the tears were really unbearable Controlled. At that moment, I really felt that ordinary people really couldn't compete with big companies. Just like the people who disclosed Mengniu Yili were taken away, big companies can control the national milk standard. Just like DuPont can control drinking water standards, it can get the government's bias.

How can you say that you are not angry? Seeing this kind of reality is more of a cold heart. It is only us, ourselves, who can save us ordinary people.

We study hard and live hard in order to have the ability to help other ordinary people and avoid danger for ourselves. But more often, we do not have enough authority to know some information, so many risks cannot be avoided.

But I am very moved. Bilott is still here in the half-century-long lawsuit. He suffers from a pay cut and spends very little time with his family. His wife occasionally doesn’t understand. His life was threatened, and he eventually fell ill from the stress. An ordinary person works so hard only because he sees too many people suffer, too many people are deceived, too many people are innocent, and he can't bear it. I was very moved, because although his wife had occasional resentment, she always understood that he accompanied him and believed in him. I was very moved because the boss also supported him. Although the salary was reduced, he also had a heart to seek justice. I'm very touched, really touched, because the little sparks that sparkle have finally accomplished a great thing.

Every time he cries, his wife is by his side, comforting and supporting him. This love is very beautiful.

Real events like this exist all the time, and we sigh every time it happens, and then move on with our lives. Yes, there will always be big companies coming out to control policies to make money, and then the bigger and more monopolized, what can we ordinary people do? In addition to effective avoidance, it is to help each other. Keep a kind heart

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Dark Waters quotes

  • Robert Bilott: The system is rigged. They want us to believe that it'll protect us, but that's a lie. We protect us. We do. Nobody else. Not the companies, not the scientists, not the government. Us.

  • Teddy Bilott (3-5): What's a hooker?

    Sarah Barlage Bilott: Where did you learn that?

    Teddy Bilott (3-5): He told me that Mary Magdalene was a hooker.

    Charlie Bilott (11-12): What? She was.

    Teddy Bilott (3-5): You're supposed to say prostitute.