Black water brings us more thinking than these two hours

Jackie 2022-04-20 09:02:08

This is a very neat film, or a semi-documentary. It basically restores the true story but has the climax and conflict of the movie.

If the director just wants to restore a true story, then this movie brings us far more thinking than these two hours

Even if Robert finally agreed to the lawsuit for them, let the whole world know the truth of c8. The local residents still resented him, because DuPont was the main employer in the area, and they all depended on DuPont to live. Even though they knew that DuPont had put pollutants in the water to make local residents sick, but they cared more about tomorrow's bread than cancer 10 years later. In a big way, what lawyers are fighting for is the future of all mankind, but for those who are still worried about food and clothing, they care more about what to eat on the table tomorrow.

There is a question I find very interesting. For example, smoking is the biggest cause of all known chronic diseases. The harm of smoking is also clearly printed on the box. It's impossible for people who smoke to be unaware of its dangers, but why do so many people smoke it? People can buy a bunch of health supplements for 'mixed' ads, but they can't quit cigarettes that directly kill you. How ironic! You said, whether people really care about their health, I don't know now.

Looking back at the movie, c8 has determined that it can cause cancer, infertility, and give birth to deformed children. But local residents continued to choose to trust DuPont, even thinking they were good people. If you look at this problem a little bit anti-socially, it is: 99% of human beings have c8 in their bodies, which means that the lifespan of all human beings has been reduced by the same amount of time. So since everyone is gone, why bother with the unnecessary lifespan? Why don't you worry about the benefits you can see and touch! Benefits from DuPont!

after all, only us can save us, not the companies, not the scientists, not the government, us!

In the end, only ordinary people can save ordinary people.

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Dark Waters quotes

  • Robert Bilott: The system is rigged. They want us to believe that it'll protect us, but that's a lie. We protect us. We do. Nobody else. Not the companies, not the scientists, not the government. Us.

  • Teddy Bilott (3-5): What's a hooker?

    Sarah Barlage Bilott: Where did you learn that?

    Teddy Bilott (3-5): He told me that Mary Magdalene was a hooker.

    Charlie Bilott (11-12): What? She was.

    Teddy Bilott (3-5): You're supposed to say prostitute.