Do non-stick pans cause cancer? The Unignorable Truth of "Blackwater"

Beth 2022-04-20 09:02:08

Blackwater (2019) is a movie that cannot be ignored.

Today, 99% of the world's population contains this substance, which can cause fetal malformations and may lead to cancer risk.

It is "Teflon", the structure is stable and not easy to be damaged, it will remain in human blood permanently and cannot be excluded.

The initiator of the crime is DuPont, a well-known American chemical company.

"Blackwater" is based on true events and is derived from an in-depth report in the "New York Times" titled "A lawyer who became DuPont's worst nightmare." A well-known lawyer is lawyer Robert Bilot. His environmental lawsuit with chemical giant DuPont lasted for 8 years. The protracted and difficult litigation exposed DuPont's more than 50 years of chemical pollution history.

At the beginning of the film, Tennant, the farmer, found that his hundreds of cows died in large numbers, not only showing various symptoms, but also being aggressive. Tennant, who has been running the farm for most of his life, believes that there must be something wrong, and it must be the nearby DuPont company. of chemical waste landfills pollute water sources.

In view of the influence of DuPont's giant enterprise, no lawyer is willing to take such a case. Tennant collected evidence to seek the truth on his own. In desperation, he found fellow Robert, played by "Hulk" Mark Ruffalo. Circling helicopters announced the warning, and Tennant stayed up all night to guard the home.

Robert was reluctant to go into this muddy water. After all, he had served as a defense lawyer for DuPont and did not want to offend the other party, but because of his grandmother's face, he went to the farm in person and found that the beautiful farm in his childhood was now a dead cemetery.

After watching the video of the dead cow's autopsy, he was skeptical at the beginning, and then decided to defend the farmer and sue DuPont. After all, his personal power was negligible. DuPont didn't care and said "sue me!".

In the vast material, Robert carefully searched for clues page by page, and found the word PFOA many times.

What is PFOA?

Ask the experts to learn about PFOA, a surfactant used in the manufacture of Teflon, a chemical that is highly stable and harmful to humans. Originally used for the outer waterproof coating of tanks in the military field, it was popularized and popularized by DuPont for profit, and it was used in drinking water, non-stick pans, raincoats, skin care products and other life.

DuPont knew that Teflon was harmful to the human body, but it still did not stop production, and even conducted experiments on employees, resulting in fetal malformations in female employees. The baby born by employee Sarah has only one eye and one nostril. After the incident was revealed, he was replaced by a male employee, resulting in suffering from testicular cancer and other cancers.

Seeing that many people were hurt by this, the righteous lawyer felt that he should do something, and DuPont was also threatening him, persuading him not to ruin his career. The obvious high degree of oppression implies the difficulty of litigation.

But Robert persisted and never gave up, and the people began to wake up. The expert team took tens of thousands of blood samples for disease research.

The eight-year-long lawsuit has also put him under pressure from all quarters. He was personally threatened by DuPont, and he was also misunderstood by everyone. Some people still spoke for DuPont, thinking that they had provided them with employment opportunities. The higher-level leaders are also putting pressure on him, and the pressure from the family makes him breathless. The dwindling salary cannot even afford the education of the children. The wife played by Anne Hathaway is full of grievances.

Robert, who was finally feeling powerless, fell down. His wife's hoarse voice with his boss in the hospital corridor was touching. She said that her husband took all risks to help strangers in need. I may not understand what that is, but That was never a failure.

In the seventh year, the scientist called a late call. Through tens of thousands of blood samples, Teflon can cause a variety of diseases, including kidney cancer, testicular cancer, oral cancer, elevated cholesterol, etc. Because of Robert's persistence in tens of thousands of Victims received medical supervision.

The lawyer is completely relieved and extremely sad, everything is a lie, no one can protect you, only yourself can protect yourself. What I have always trusted is being manipulated, and it is not as good as a farmer with only elementary school culture who can see through it, how ridiculous.

For companies that cross the line on the commercial track, they will be punished accordingly. In 2015, a group lawsuit was opened, and a total of 3,535 cases were sued against DuPont, with a total of 670 million US dollars in compensation.

The judge looked at Robert and asked, are you still there?

"Still here. "

From 1950, for more than half a century, Robert has been fighting against DuPont. Although the film is quite satisfactory, the greater value of this film lies in its practical significance. It has nothing to do with you and me. Teflon has spread All over the world, there are still hidden dangers to human health.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a ban in 2006 that stipulated that the United States will completely stop using Teflon materials by 2015.

The Robert portrayed in the film is not a tall, mighty and passionate "Hulk". On the contrary, he often feels powerless and despairing in the dull atmosphere. Even the audience in front of the screen will feel breathless. The confrontation can more strongly highlight Robert's respectability and greatness.

The real victim, Bucky Bailey, also appeared in the film, the man at the gas station who asked the lawyer for the ball game. Although he was born with deformities, he was still optimistic. How could he not be sad when he saw this? People should not forget why they wanted to be for the sake of temporary interests. take this benefit.

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Extended Reading

Dark Waters quotes

  • Robert Bilott: The system is rigged. They want us to believe that it'll protect us, but that's a lie. We protect us. We do. Nobody else. Not the companies, not the scientists, not the government. Us.

  • Teddy Bilott (3-5): What's a hooker?

    Sarah Barlage Bilott: Where did you learn that?

    Teddy Bilott (3-5): He told me that Mary Magdalene was a hooker.

    Charlie Bilott (11-12): What? She was.

    Teddy Bilott (3-5): You're supposed to say prostitute.