It is THE END and NOT YET an end.

Ray 2022-12-29 14:21:39

【Fish belong in the sea, until they crawl out. Birds belong in the sky, until they land. Jim Kirk belonged on the Enterprise, full stop.】
Just watched the clip of the captain, Xia Dalei broke the record and died in a movie twice. He teased Spock when he decided to help Pikachu. The film handles the captain’s dying very well, not overly sensational, and the lines are still so playful. It seems that Jim can jump up and fight the villain for three hundred rounds, and now he just slept, and went to see his dreams. An old friend who hasn't seen for a long time.
[For me, this is the ending before ST restarts. 】
【But this is not the end yet】
As Jim said at the end of ST6:
"This ship, and her history
--will shortly become the care of another crew.
To them and their posterity will we commit our future.
They' ll continue the voyages we have begun--
and journey to all the undiscovered countries--
boldly going where no man, where no one
...has gone before. "
Moreover, there are thousands of ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE, Thousands of them live LONG AND PROSPER in the universe we know or don’t know.
【If there's any true logic to the universe... we'll end up on that bridge again someday. Admit it. For people like us, the journey itself... is home.】

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Extended Reading

Star Trek: Generations quotes

  • Kirk: Did we do it? Did we make a difference?

    Picard: Oh, yes. We made a difference. Thank you.

    Kirk: Least I could do for the captain of the Enterprise.

    [last words]

    Kirk: It was... fun. Oh, my...

  • [first lines]

    [the journalists are all talking at the same time, trying to get their questions in]

    Journalist #3: How does it feel to be back on the Enterprise bridge?

    Journalist #1: Captain Chekov, what are the most significant changes...

    Journalist #3: Captain Kirk, can I ask you a few questions?

    Journalist #1: Did you participate in the redesign?

    Journalist #3: We'd like to know how you feel about being...

    Kirk: I appreciate the...

    Harriman: Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. There will be plenty of time for questions later. I'm Captain John Harriman and I'd like to welcome you all aboard.

    Kirk: It's our pleasure.

    Harriman: I just want you to know how excited we all are to have a group of living legends with us on our maiden voyage. I remember reading about your missions when I was in grade school.

    Kirk: Oh, really? Well, may we have a look around?

    Harriman: Please. Please.