Female Characters in War Movies Are Not Overwhelming

America 2022-04-21 09:02:51

Pearl Harbor is a love affair in the guise of war, Dunkirk is too fragmented and emotional, and I was once outside the film because of the non-stop voice-over. The decisive battle has a balance between the facts of the war and the description of human nature, and the rhythm is relaxed and relaxed. I was immersed in the whole process, and the french fries in my hand were actually cold and I forgot to eat. Here are a few simple feelings~

First of all, the images of big and small people are more three-dimensional. The heroic protagonist also has a vulnerable and worried side, but he is determined not to compromise; the sadness of the Japanese military coexisting with the battleship in the end; the big boss Herz will also take care of his wife's emotions and not work overtime, etc.

Secondly, the emotional line between the sexes of this film is weaker and weaker, but the female characters are still impressive, and they are no longer a light-hearted pastime of male power in the brutal war. One of the more brilliant ones is Papa's wife in the film, who is very understanding. He put back his husband's glasses and made a sandwich to cheer him up when he was running out of time to break state secrets. The other is the wife of the male protagonist. She is gentle and encouraging when her husband is depressed, and her husband is independent and strong when he is silent on the battlefield. Both have positive images of women in war and family relationships.

Finally, the storyline of the film is clear. The first few plot points are set according to the year (too concentrated and forgot to remember the points), 40 minutes after I watched the video on the mobile phone, that is, the battle of Midway Island is the climax, and then the different times of the morning, noon and evening on the day of the war. Set conflict turns.

Overall, the film is worth 30 yuan. After reading it, I accidentally planted the square coin chain worn by the heroine. The pattern of roses on it is very delicate. So, this film should be worth 500+~ haha

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Extended Reading

Midway quotes

  • Wade McClusky: Men like Dick Best are the reason we're going to win this war.

  • Clarence Dickinson: What are Army planes doing on a carrier ?