Less entertainment, more human thinking

Darius 2022-11-23 22:50:16

If someone says that this show is only worth watching the beginning and end, naive! If you just look at how to solve the case, don't look at it. What this drama really wants to express is not this murder case. The case is just a thread that runs through the whole drama. The whole drama is full of humanity and ethics; in small towns, small circles, life at a glance, and the media of chicken thieves. . In fact, every household has secrets that are not well known. It was this case that caused the seemingly peaceful town to suddenly explode, and the investigation of the case had to uncover these secrets. British dramas rarely let me down, not to mention this cute British drama accent.

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Broadchurch quotes

  • DS Ellie Miller: You don't eat fish and chips? What kind of Scot are you?

  • DS Ellie Miller: Most people have a moral compass.

    DI Alec Hardy: Compasses break.