How to save yourself from a father-daughter relationship, believe in yourself and keep calm

Aaliyah 2022-04-22 07:01:32

Giant Alligator Storm: Hurricane in Florida, a father and daughter (swimming super), a group of alligators, a house, a dog (I really don't see what the dog does, but it does come to the end) five short People eaten by alligators (increasing horror??)

In the end, the heroine was rescued by swimming skills? ? Swimming with alligators??

It's a horror movie, I think it's more like a warm movie. Father and daughter are on the edge of life and death. When the heroine was frightened by alligators, my father comforted her. lifeboat

The focus of this film I got: How to save yourself

The most worthwhile thing for us to learn from this film is the father's memory of the heroine's unwillingness to admit defeat when she lost to her sister in freestyle swimming in the middle of the night in the pool.

It's scary what it says on the internet

(My dad guessed the plot while watching and guessed it before the scary point every time)

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Crawl quotes

  • Dave: You look good.

    Haley: You look like shit.

  • Haley: I'm coming back for you, okay?

    Dave: You better.