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Sophia 2022-04-21 09:02:18
Iliana 2022-03-26 09:01:06
There are a few good songs, and the heroine is also good, like a child! ! !
Lenny Bergman: Wow! Well, look who the wind blew in! What happened to you?
Becky Fuller: Well? We're gonna change a few things.
Lenny Bergman: OK.
Becky Fuller: Is Ernie in place?
Lenny Bergman: Yes, he is. He'll be interviewing people as they come off the coaster.
Becky Fuller: No, he won't. Not anymore he's not. We're gonna put him on that coaster. We're gonna strap a handheld to the car in front of him, and then go live. Boom! It's called picking up the game, people. OK? So from now on every single story that we do is gonna have to be sensational! And we're gonna be more aggressive. We're gonna work harder, and we're gonna do it right now.
Lenny Bergman: Uhh, are you gonna...
Becky Fuller: I'm not gonna sing!
[to herself]
Becky Fuller: Why do people ask me that?
Becky: Look, my, my radar for that kind of thing is so bad. I, I mean I don't know if a man is interested in me until he's naked. I mean the pants come off and then I'm like "oh, I guess you don't really want to see my CD collection or talk about Kerouac."