perfect world

Chesley 2022-04-21 09:02:09

I don't want to read other people's movie reviews first, I want to write my own first...

I really liked the scene where Butch was driving and asked Philip to make sandwiches, probably because he wanted to eat meat, but no, he let Philip spread the toast on the car and eat it with some mustard... Butch took it and took a bite , looks very comfortable, I don't know why I especially like watching white people eat, it should be that they feel very free and comfortable when they eat. Butch is kind, his intelligence and kindness make him seem reliable, but the reactionary force of childhood encounters does not give him a perfect world in reality, and the look in his eyes when he sees any violence against small children He is full of anger, he will lose his mind and also use violence to solve it. It is true that some people spend their whole lives to heal their childhoods, which is not up to anyone, because there is no real empathy in this world, so there is no accurate understanding and redemption... However, Butch is also lucky, there is a stubborn old chief who tries to help him, Also because he gave Philip the "father" support, he got Philip's love and lifelong memories after his special journey... I hope that everyone who is hurt in our hearts can find a way to redeem ourselves and get the one in our hearts. perfect world

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A Perfect World quotes

  • Butch Haynes: You know, Phillip, you have a goddamn red, white and blue American right to eat cotton candy, ride roller coasters.

    Phillip Perry: I do?

    Butch Haynes: Hell, yes, you do!

  • Chief Red Garnett: [interrupting a confrontation] How do you like your steak, Sally?

    Sally Gerber: Rare.

    Chief Red Garnett: Good. Well, I'll, uh, wipe its ass, herd it through, and you can tear off a slab. How's that?

    Sally Gerber: On second thought, medium rare.