you are not fit to play football

Chesley 2022-04-22 07:01:36

Don't get me wrong, this is not an inspirational film review devoted to football. In fact, this comment has absolutely nothing to do with football.

Let’s take a look at the two main lines of this film first: Shaolin (Kung Fu, representing tradition, including culture, spiritual quality, whether good or bad, even including thousands of years of dross (of course, this is what led me to watch the film) One of the reasons why it is a bit frustrating)) and football (representing new life, including freedom, the rights of ordinary people, equality science, etc.). The combination of these two things is a metaphor of an era, of course I think it is a genius creation, although other people will more or less express it in various ways, but no one has ever had such a genius. idea. I have no doubt that such thinking comes from the bottom life itself, it is obvious. Back to the movie itself, a greedy ex-golden, right-footed, now cripple organizes a team of talented people to play in the national finals. The first few games played very smoothly, which is inevitable. The entire team system has been in Gao Cao every day under the painstaking management of their boss, and they have also learned Ah Q's spiritual victory method. The cripple is leading a team that represents a new force, which will inevitably defeat all obstacles and usher in the final battle. But will such a decisive battle be easy? Will it be blown away? I don't even doubt how the team would describe this magical showdown victory if they could write history. All in all, under the leadership of the lame leader, the Shaolin football players overcame all difficulties and defeated their opponents who were taking illegal drugs, and finally won the championship. The significance of this writing is that it can not only output positive cultural values, but also highlight the glorious image of the Shaolin football team. Obviously, if you want to write it, everyone has to write it like this.

But the fact is that they had no way out at the time, retreating or dying, advancing or not dying, sacrificing one player after another, and finally turning the game around with an incredible romantic ending. Of course, this romanticism is also the reason why they didn't become a team like the previous boss, and I'll talk about why later. So they won. Everyone is learning Kung Fu, and everyone uses Kung Fu for their own benefit or to avoid embarrassment. Want martial arts. (Seeing this inexplicably wanted to cry what is going on).

Looking back at the team itself, a former greedy golden right-footed lame leader, seven people representing Shaolin's seven stunts, plus a Tai Chi player. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a mob. How did they play the ball? The initial incentive was that the lame leader was fired by the boss and mocked him for letting him go back to the countryside. So I met King Kong Leg, and then I got to know Tietou Gong, Golden Bell Cover, Tie Cloth Shirt, I, Floating on the Water... As soon as they summed up, playing football was a good way out and went to play football. I didn't wrong them when I said they were a rabble, in fact they were a rabble until they played their last game, and even if they won the game afterwards, it would just be a change for some people to continue the way they did before.

"I'll never wear broken shoes again"

"Take your time, don't rob, everyone has it."

What changed all this was tai chi, the pair of old shoes that were worn but mended. (Where did Taijiquan get these shoes? Obviously Ah Xing and the others threw them away together. Sisters who want to hang out can learn it.) Although these shoes are broken, they are repaired very nicely, just like they were cut out of a stone. The flower that blooms on the stone is the real flower, no matter whether it is beautiful or not.

It can be said that A Xing treats Zhao Wei not badly in this movie. What does Zhao Wei represent? It represents the flower on the stone, represents hope, and represents all good things. Men can bleed, endure injuries and fractures, and can be humble and pitiful without bottom line. Men can have great destructive and transformative power. Men can be more aggressive and more aggressive than women at any time. Potential, more character, more heroism, full of blood. But it is often not as easy as a woman's lithe and slack. With a wave of her hand, those huge challenges that required men to throw their heads and bask in their blood were resolved, and she could even use strength to help men win the last battle. Even if this woman looks small, cute and stupid, even if she can't figure out who is her enemy and who is the enemy, even if she is guilty in the eyes of men, three-year-old children in this industry Can't make mistakes. So what is a woman? Women are life itself. Whether it is Jiang Wen or Zhang Yimou, this view is vaguely reflected in their films.

A crippled man who has been through the vicissitudes of life to fight a battle on his right foot with a bunch of fledgling talented people, I was actually angry when they were in the lounge at the end of the first half of the final (although I was also angry later), especially The lame man said that I had expected that xxx would make a bad move, but I didn't expect it to be so despicable. I was thinking that you lied to a group of people to work for you and vent your anger for you. Now that they are dying, are you happy? So much so that their anger did not diminish at all after they won. I thought of the Sicilian legend of the man who came back from the war, the government thought he was dead, and he came back one day with an arm missing. It was found that his wife was forced away, and his ancestral home was regarded as a rotten private camp. Woohoo, what a shame.

Almost every movie with depth will have a female character and bestow the best on the character itself. So men can't understand what women have to say. Personally, I don't think it's necessary to rattle the sword anymore.

But it doesn't mean that this movie has no shortcomings. His biggest disadvantage is that he has no mass base. It is more about showing a group of elites building a castle in the sky by themselves. But the results were good, because they led to the fact that in the end everyone in the society was an elite, and they all mastered the unique skill of "Kung Fu".

Those who see this movie as popcorn, open your eyes! Those of you who see this movie as a comedy, I think you should change your mind! Those who understand the movie but smear it, you explode in place!

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Shaolin Soccer quotes

  • Team Evil Coach Hung: Those American drugs work better than expected.

  • Team Gangster Player: My wife needs me. She's about to have a baby.

    Sing: Can't she wait till the game's over?