There are clearly six meanings in the dream, but after sleep there is nothing.

Ibrahim 2022-04-22 07:01:31

This film explains the foundation of the existence of this world - our hearts, with the activities of the human spirit at the end of the day. There is a line in it: If this is a dream, the whole world is inside it. "That's what it means.

In fact, everyone is a projection of Henry. According to Buddhist texts, when a person is dying, his consciousness will come out of his body, waiting for him. One can travel freely before reincarnation in the next life, that is, bardo, which is the so-called bardo travel, that is, the travel of consciousness between the death of a person and the beginning of the next life, just like a dream, no matter who appears in the dream, what it looks like , what you do is actually created by your heart, that is, yourself. So in fact, all the content in the whole movie is a dreamy experience created by the dying Henry. To

expand a little, if life is a Dream, then all the people in the dream are created by your heart, no matter how realistic they look, they are actually the projection of your dream heart, that is, yourself. Therefore, not only is it time to die, but we are also in Dreaming is called daydreaming. You will say, everything I feel is real, how can it be a dream? It is because you are not awake. When you are not awake at night, what is in your dream? It's really incredible? That's

why Master Yongjia said it well: "There are clearly six meanings in a dream, but after

awakening there is nothing in it." Everything is the creation of the dream mind, but we haven't woken up yet! This is the movie everything to say.

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Stay quotes

  • Sam Foster: I've read your file.

    Henry Letham: Well can I read your file?

    Sam Foster: Tell me why you're here.

    Henry Letham: I thought you read the file.

  • Henry Letham: What are you, a substitute shrink?

    Sam Foster: I guess you could call me that.