Old Rayford's heart can't just look at appearances

Quinn 2022-04-19 09:02:08

When your glass is full, there's no more to hold.

The title and plot of the movie seem to imply some kind of implication that when a person lets go of everything is the moment when he is saved.

People who say the protagonist is stupid should look deeper. He showed his sophistication when dealing with the first time the ship was smashed. 1. Use ocean currents to drag the container away. 2. Check if there is electricity. The water pump, but the battery was soaked in water. He didn't rush to drain the water manually. It would take a long time. The most important thing is to repair the hull first. Unforeseen circumstances make sure that there will be no secondary water entry. The first thing is that it takes the glue to solidify. Time is going to drain again.

Every setback the protagonist shows a non-panic expression on his face Can't say he's stupid but bad luck If he doesn't get knocked out by the mast, the next tragedy won't happen, but he has to be knocked and let the story develop

with time and bad luck . Continuing to lose useful resources, he understands that it is useless to vent his emotions, until the two cruise ships that passed by shattered his heart that he had put all his hopes on, he bet on the last time and accidentally burned the ship He is a very cautious person and will never do any risky stupid things, including burning paper in a plastic bucket. Here, the boat is burned for the sake of plot development) After falling into the water and watching the burning boat, he can no longer have more emotions. It doesn't matter anymore, after so much experience, even if death has become liberation, he has let go of all the burdens in his heart, and after letting go of himself, there is redemption in the peaceful waiting.

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    Title Card: 1700 nautical miles from the Sumatra Straits.

  • Our Man: This is The Virginia Jean with an SOS call, over.