Kite Runner - A perfect trick.

Berenice 2022-04-20 09:01:43

A complete deception. After watching this movie, my heart is full of moving, full of respect for Islam and sympathy for Afghanistan under Taliban rule. I think what a good movie this is. However, after a brief investigation, I found that this is just another tool full of American-style cultural aggression and American brainwashing, a perfect deception. First of all, it must be affirmed that many cultural details in the film are true, such as Islamic worship, etiquette, kite festival, Islamic food, layout of streets, some cruel punishments (the death penalty for adulterers). But the truth is the surface, the lie is the essence. It is precisely because of these bits and pieces of real elements that people believe in the content of the movie and book, which makes this deception seem perfect. The biggest deception is that Afghanistan is not like that, neither the Afghanistan before the Taliban nor the Afghanistan after the Taliban is what it is portrayed in the movie. The filming location of the film was mainly in Kashgar, China, and the brutal punishment on the football field was in Baoding, Hebei, China. The reason why I know and affirm it is because one of my Hui [change: Uighur] classmates acted as an extra in Baoding at that time. He used to be a student at an ethnic school in Beijing, and now he is a classmate with me in the university. He angrily told me that if he knew what the movie was about, none of his Hui classmates would ever participate in the show (the school sent a car to Baoding for two days and then came back). He described Afghanistan to me, a place very similar to Xinjiang, a place that insists that Islamic people should help them. Taliban rule is not so brutal. At the beginning of its establishment, the Taliban had a total of only 800 people, so many people did not pay attention to it. However, this faction held high the banner of eradicating warlords and rebuilding the country, and fought bravely because of strict discipline, and proposed to oppose corruption and restore business. Therefore, it won the support of Afghan civilians, which made the strength of the Taliban expand rapidly and developed into a group A team of nearly 30,000 people, hundreds of tanks and dozens of jet fighters (Baidu Encyclopedia, also history). The origin of the Taliban is a group of patriotic students who represent the right. The recent Taliban has the appearance of terrorists because they fell into the mountains after being defeated by the United States. They lost the military strength of the past and turned to terrorist struggles. Simply think about it, if it is true that Afghanistan under the Taliban rule is full of corpses, cruelty, oppression and terror, as described in the movie, shouldn’t the “liberated” Afghanistan of the United States raise its hands everywhere? Why are there so many anti-American struggles? America's ideological output is brilliant. In response to The Da Vinci Code, all walks of life Tell the audience how the film disguises a lie into the perfect "truth" by distinguishing between the real elements of the film. And in the face of a movie that meets your needs, beautify it as much as possible. Americans are the same as the Chinese in some respects, and they both like to listen to what suits their needs. Just tell them how bad Afghanistan used to be, because then they feel like heroes again. Yes, the author of the book and the screenwriter of the film are Afghans, but they are American. Think for yourself what their ideological needs will be. Of course, this is just a simple investigation, and I don't know everything about the Taliban, nor do I want to speak for them or have pity on them. Just take issue with the film's ideological expression. If there are any mistakes, please keep your opinions. The light of human nature always shines, and the movie shines a little too. But we can't put on tinted glasses because we agree with morals and ignore the truth.

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The Kite Runner quotes

  • Amir: [explaining Sohrab's presence] You see, General Sahib, my father slept with his servant's wife, and she bore him a son named Hassan. Hassan is dead now. That boy sleeping in the other room is Hassan's son. He's my nephew. That's what you tell people when they ask. And one more thing, General Sahib: you will never again refer to him as "a Hazara boy" in my presence. He has a name, and it's Sohrab.

  • Baba: [as Dr. Starobin examines him] Where are you from?

    Dr. Starobin: I grew up in Michigan. Came out here for medical school. Once you get used to that California sunshine...

    Baba: But your family?

    Dr. Starobin: My family? We're originally from Russia.

    [Baba shoves him away, and is next seen with a different doctor]